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  1. I mean the music isn't absolutely necessary right now, I more or less just want to have all the pieces lined up so that when I need it i'll have it. Remember the music must be © free and you have permission to use it, (or its made by you). I will message you my email. Edit: I cant find how to pm you on this forum codercobywalker@gmail.com shoot me a message so I know you have it and so I will have yours.
  2. It's not a clone it will have origonal features, however it is in the textured voxel format It's still far from done, but music is pretty crucial.
  3. Hello everyone, I see that there are some really talented people on this site and, I am looking for some music that I can have looping in my game. My game is something like this: http://www.minecraft.net/play.jsp My game is a game where you can just walk around and place blocks and destroy them, allowing the player to create their own virtual world of blocks. I guess this would classify as a "casual" game it's not hardcore or anything. The music needs to be in a 8bit style, to match the overall theme of the game. If I do chose to use it then of course your name will be in the credits and a link to your work on the games site. Basically right now I need some background music that will play while the player is walking around. Of course I will need more later. Let me know if your up to the challenge or have something already made!
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