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  1. Actually yes. My main is Mixcraft 5. I've also got Audacity but I haven't really messed around with it.

    Been a while since I logged in. College has a way of keeping you from things.

  2. http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=1134

    Out of curiosity, is your main DAW Mixcraft?

  3. I have to admit, it was pretty blunt. Effective nonetheless. I'm not going to hold it against you because, like I said, I'm new to this, and I'll be needing some negative feedback as well. What do you think of the synth lines? The first one one is an allusion to Dire Dire Docks (from Super Mario 64). The second one (during the guitar verse) is all original.
  4. It is pretty obnoxious, isn't it? Hahaha... I agree completely. I think I'm going to have a hard time getting away from the original track. Before I started, I took the time to transcribe it by ear, and I guess I kind of worked it from there, adding the 'boom-whack' track and the synth parts and a few minor things. I keep forgetting that remixing is more rehashing than embellishing. Still, it's a first draft. On a side note, do you think the use of game sounds is plausible, or is it too 'gimmicky?' I mean sparsely, not as a solo...
  5. I'm a long time fan of video games and video game music, and I've been to OCRemix a number of times. This is my first attempt at a remix of any kind. It's based on the Mario Kart N64 arrangement of the Rainbow Road theme. I put it together using Mixcraft 5. It's comprised of all virtual instruments, so some of the voices (especially the guitar) aren't of the best quality. I also put in dozens of sound effects from the game. I'm still pretty new to thus so I could use a lot of advice. Call me a noob if you wish, but you gotta start somewhere. Epiderminator
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