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Posts posted by eNeSVee131

  1. Thanks so much guys! This is just what I was looking for, some concrete critique and not just my friends saying "oh, that sounds cool!". I'll definitely check out those tutorials and see what I can do about instrument choices and making the song more dynamic in general.

    To be honest, I don't like any of the guitar presets in sytrus but I didn't know of any better ones. Does anyone know of a good guitar plugin (preferably free!) that may work well with this arrangement? If I can get my hands on some good recording gear, it might be easier/sound a lot better if I just recorded it with my guitar/effects processor.

  2. Hello OCR! I've been playing around with FL studio on and off for a few years now and I haven't really had any place to get good feedback on the things I made. I'm really excited to hear about the many things I need to improve on and how I can start making more quality music. Here's one of the first songs I tried to remix:


    Please critique and thanks for helping me in trying to become a better artist!

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