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Everything posted by xzin

  1. So, I'm kind of a noob when it comes to sound recording tech. I own an M-Audio FastTrack recording interface. I'm trying to record a guitar part into FL Studio. The instructions it came with are for the software they use, but I don't know how to use it. I own both FL Studio and Adobe Soundbooth, but I can't figure out how to get it to record into either. Any advice would be amazing, thank you very much.
  2. Thank you Neblix, you taught me how to group my individual drum parts in the mixer. *applause*
  3. Well played, sir.
  4. Thanks for the responses! Tensei, I'm using 3x Oscillator most of the time. I don't see a Portamento knob anywhere on it, and its a small plugin... What Synth do you use? PS: Nice sig. Protodome, what do you mean by mono? You mean like, only producing one wave? Cuz I'm not seein' any specific "mono" button. o.o I like the omnomnomopeias. Side note: given that I still have much to improve, and I'm fairly new to this field, do you have any suggestions for good (preferably free) Synth VST plugins?
  5. In FL studio, I mainly use the piano roll to edit the score of anything I write, but I hear songs a lead synth will slur between notes, gliding up or down to them before holding the intended pitch. And for the life of me, I can't find out how to do that sort of thing in FL studio. Anyone have any advice/know-how?
  6. Gotcha. Thank you both very much! I didn't know about that feature until now, it fixed the problem.
  7. Hey, I'm having trouble with this mix I'm making in FL studio. Everything is going smoothly, except for this one bass soundfont track keeps starting the song panned entirely to the right. It used to auto-correct halfway through the song using an event, but I removed the event, and now it just pans 100% to the right whenever I start playing the whole song. If I play it, and correct it while its playing, it will remain corrected over multiple loops. Any idea what might be the problem? Thank you!
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