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  1. Feel free to download my music and use whatever you like for your videos:


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  2. Hi there, My name is Wak, I'm not much a gamer, beside the fact I've played almost all Nintendo games and competitively played Super Smash Bros. Melee. Beside that, I always tell people I'm not really a gamer. Anyways. I recently started to make videos of this game, Melee, and I was in search for some music to put on my videos. Of course, because of the origin of Melee, I'd rather have Nintendo related songs than Xbox related remixes. Here is my channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/Wakssbm?feature=mhum I created the channel on April 21st. As of may 9th, I have 190 subscribers and 9000 views already =). Beside stated above, honestly, I'm not picky at all. It can be something that already exist, or an unfinished project, you decide. Of course, if you decide to give me permission to use a song, or a part of the song or anything, I will make sure to give proper credits inside the video as well as in the commentary, and if you want to, I can put a link to your website or you page or whatever, in the commentary of my video. In the end, it's up to you! If you have any question or commentary, (or something important to tell me as I'm very new on this website, I may not know important things) feel free to comment
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