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Rabid Pickle

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Posts posted by Rabid Pickle

  1. Thanks for listening

    The intro guitar is supposed to sound like crap. Gives some contrast.

    The drums are not off at 0:26, its just a big fill. And the bass is not off at 1:52, its right where it is supposed to be.

    Can you be more clear about the lead guitar? the only lead guitar in the song starts at 1:55 in the big ending.

    The original MIDI version of this is just section after section. Basically just the "instrument" switching, so I kept it that way also.

    The ending is also supposed to sound that way. Just a giant mass of sound. But the main melody is still clearly heard in there. The low-end pulse sound at the end is just a noise. I'm sorry that and 1:45 doesn't make sense to you. Can't help you there

    It seems most of the issues you have with this are just your personal preferences.

  2. That is an interesting take! Much less ominous sounding than the original in my opinion, has a cool dreamy feel to it.

    Unfortunately the judges won't accept this song because they say its a black sabbath "cover". Yes, all of the Doom songs were ripped off from some metal band but to call it a cover is stupid.

    Wish they weren't too lazy to post a DO NOT REMIX list of songs.

    Check mine out


  3. I gotta agree that this mix needs quite a bit of work. I'll try to be specific here...

    The nice atmospheric intro is not a bad idea at all, but right away it becomes apparent that the samples are a bit lo-fi. I'm not sure that it's a deal breaker just yet because in general I do like the sound of it.

    There are issues beside the sample quality, however. It sounds like this whole section is largely shoved into the midrange. I can't hear much in the highs really at all, almost like there is a lowpass filter over the whole section. This has a tendency to make things sound cheap and dead.

    It also may be a problem that it lasts so long. That whole section clocks in at over a minute, which isn't unheard of for this kind of track, but it does feel like it's dragging after a little while.

    At about 1:06 the bass comes in playing that familiar melody... There is a definitely audible static sound going on here in the bass recording. Sometimes this can make things sound grungy in a good way, but here I think it just makes it sound lo-fi. The drums sound ok right off the bat, but the kick seems a little cheap especially around 1:34 where it becomes clear that it doesn't have velocity layering or round robin sampling. (correct me if I'm wrong)

    Now the most important part. at 1:45 the metal guitars come in, and simply put: they are underwhelming. You said that you panned the guitars, but I'm almost certain there is no proper panned double tracking going on here. The bass becomes an issue here as well, because it doesn't have the desired effect of fattening up the guitars and it seems to only contribute to the mud. This is not just a matter of opinion. It is simply the case that the sound you have here just can't compare to a well produced metal or hard rock track.

    You don't have to take my word for it. Listen to this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3fZd5qZje0

    Compared to this track, yours just seriously lacks power and punch.

    I'm not trying to be a dick. You should hear some of my earlier tracks. I had exactly the same problem. You just need to work at it.

    Moving on... I like the sound at 1:54, but i think it should be pushed back with some reverb or a lower level or something because it doesn't sit well in the mix as is.

    at 2:15, this sound here is very cool. I definitely like this.

    I'm noticing that the drum sequencing is pretty decent overall, it's just that the relatively low quality samples bring down the power a bit.

    2:26 The switch to halftime here is a good way to keep the repetitive source interesting. This whole section in general sounds pretty decent and is a pretty good idea I think. It just has the aforementioned production issues on the guitar track.

    The effect at 3:32 is pretty cool, but I think the switch is way too abrupt. Maybe do something with the drums to lead into it? At 3:42 the guitar comes to lead into the next section and it's really not a bad idea at all. It just sounds lo-fi. There's something about the way that little lead is recorded that makes it sound bad. The recording just seems a bit too dark and muddy.

    The section at 3:42 is a good idea on paper. I love really aggressive sounding industrial rock, but it's really very difficult to execute. I think you did a pretty decent job, though. 0:34 on this NIN track as a superb example of muddy nastiness executed well:

    I think the main issue with this part on your track is that the combined low quality of all the samples and recordings makes it sound a bit weaker than it should.

    The strings that come in at 4:22 sound a little bit unrealistic, but I do like when the reversed samples come in and finally add some interesting harmony to this fairly uninteresting source tune.

    Which leads me to my next point. I think this source is a bit boring. It's just a single melodic line doubled with perfect unisons on all the instruments, but you did a pretty good breaking the monotony with effects and timing change ups so it's probably ok on that front.

    i agree with you that the source is different enough from the black sabbath track to warrant a remix. The line in the black sabbath track starts out the same but then it goes completely different, so I see your point there...

    Anyway, this track isn't too bad IMO. What it really needs are some serious production revisions. A great starting point would be to properly double track the guitars. I think you'll be surprised at how much that alone will improve the sound.

    Now THIS I appreciate. This is an honest, detailed critique.

    Thank you!

  4. First, DragonAvenger wasn't saying it was voted NO, he was just saying it hadn't necessarily been voted YES yet. And to that I replied "fair enough"

    I DID read what you wrote but most of that was just your opinion. The "muddiness" you complained about is exactly how I wanted it to sound at the end and I didn't want reverb on drums on the intro. You told me to pan the guitars left and right which they already are.

    Its so easy to spout off "oh you just need some EQ and compression, and balancing" but once again...specifics? There is plenty of EQ and compression where needed. And balancing....?

    Where are your remixes, genius?

  5. This echoes my thoughts pretty much exactly (except maybe "best of good"... not quite sure what that means haha). You got No'd. So what? I've been No'd too. Not a big deal. Learn from it and move on. The most important part of the statement is not being shy or afraid to ask for help, and perhaps even more important is remaining humble in the process. Getting mad at other people isn't going to help the situation, it's only going to make people return the favor. I hope to hear more from you and track some progress, because I'm quickly finding out that there's a LOT to learn. And everyone really is willing to help, as long as you have the right attitude.

    Best of good :)


    The track was "no'd" because some Judge says its a cover of a Black Sabbath song, which it isn't at all. I just think its shitty that they don't have a "Don't Bother With These Songs" list or something.

    And the only people I'm pissed at are judges who spout some shit to get me off their back and don't mean a word of it. Oh, and morons who are only attacking my mix just because I'm arguing with the almighty judges.

  6. Just to clarify on one extra point, a vote of 'No Override' doesn't necessarily mean that it was on track to a YES vote. N.O. is when a track is in violation of one of our standards that was missed in the initial overview of the song from the inbox to either the panel, a direct rejection, or a direct post. There have been songs given a N.O. vote that have initially passed the panel, and tracks that would have been voted NO anyways.

    Fair enough

  7. zircon's right on how the standards have evolved. That said, Rabid is saying that the Doom source only uses one riff from a mainstream song, then goes to all-original material, meaning the majority of the source is stuff originally written for a game, according to him.

    I'll take a look into this, compare the source and mainstream stuff in question, and get back to you. It's rare we pull back decisions, but obviously if we made a mistake, there's no issue doing a full vote. But if the Doom source is basically a Black Sabbath arrangement, then what zircon said is correct. After our Doom albums, we got a lot more information on what in-game tracks were in fact mainstream music covers/arrangement and thus ineligible to be source tunes for OC ReMixes.

    I appreciate this a lot.

  8. I just don't get the point. A cover covers the whole song...obviously not the case here. This rips off one riff and isn't even identical. It isn't a legal issue otherwise they'd have to take down Mazedude's remix, and everyone still recognizes this as a song from an awesome video game.

    Some sort of explanation would be nice.

  9. Perhaps the judge didn't elaborate, or you just got unlucky.

    I think it's more than if it was a Black Sabbath cover or not. The intro's acoustic guitar(?) seemed to have a bit too much reverb and was then a bit muddy. The kick drum from 1:30 - 1:46 could be toned down because at that point it wasn't metal just yet. Also, maybe the structure of the song seemed too similar to Black Sabbath and maybe the judge just happened to have little patience or something.

    Mazedude's remix had a good feel to it, but it also "barely" made it through; one of the comments said it had a good intro and end, but overall it was "okay".

    You are wrong. Go look at the Judges Decision forum. One of them posted "No override" which makes me think it DID make it through originally.

    And have you heard the Black Sabbath song in question? "Structure" has nothing to do with it. The song starts out with an almost identical riff and after that it isn't heard again.

    I won't comment on your uh..."critique" of the song; there is no acoustic guitar in it.

    Mazedude's remix is boring.

  10. This mix was rejected. Judges said it is a Black Sabbath "cover". I think its ridiculous. Almost all of the Doom songs are ripped off from one metal band or another (Pantera, Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth), and yet there were two Doom albums made on this site.

    The Demon's Dead's main melody is almost (ALMOST) identical to the intro of Black Sabbath's After All (the Dead). But after that they are totally different.

    Its pretty lame that my mix was rejected even though there are other versions of this song still posted on this site. I put a lot of work into this. I hope some of you can enjoy it.


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