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Everything posted by Fellowroot

  1. I have for the longest time wanted to make digital music and remixes. I have an Alesis QX49 keyboard, FL studio 11, a Launchpad and a Rode microphone, but I've never really produced anything with these tools. I get tons of ideas for remixes in my head all the time, yet I can't get them out so to speak. So that's why I'm here today. I'm going to post my remixes, but its going to be in a crude format......... me singing them....... yep! I don't mind if anyone thinks its silly nor do I care about embarrassment. All I care about is getting these songs out of my system. So here they are via drop box and its just me singing them into the micro phone. The first one is a remix of the Sonic 2 menu music. Original song here Since this song is only 6 seconds I decided to extend it. My version is here. https://www.dropbox.com/s/4757wx1335fttuz/sonic%202%20v4.wma?dl=0 The menu select song my version is supposed to be bold and punchy and have attitude. The next remix is from the Hill Top Zone Original song here My version is here. Near the end I kind of got a little goofy with it, but hopefully you get the idea. https://www.dropbox.com/s/n2q2iedttbyxc0d/hill%20zone.wma?dl=0 It's designed to be a very smooth relaxing calming remix. It's much different from the original, but that's what remixes are all about. But here is the problem, I don't yet have the skills to actually make real remixes out of these songs. So if anyone wants to collaborate and get them made that would be great because otherwise they aren't going to get made anytime soon. I also have more Sonic 2 levels remixes if anyone else wants to here me singing them. LOL Let me know what you think
  2. Well, it has been a while since my last post but I saved up and upgraded to some better equipment. Got an Alesis qx49 midi controller keyboard http://www.guitarcenter.com/Alesis-QX49-Midi-Controller-106670714-i1795209.gc and got Alesis M1 active speakers. It came with a version of Ableton that I've been trying to mess around with and I'm working on getting this set up with Reaper too. The hardest part for me now is understanding how to use the music software programs. Anyway, I just got this set up yesterday and everything is new to me but I wanted to post an update because I really want to make some high quality music and one day complete a video game remix.
  3. I got the keyboard. It is a Yamaha PSR 3 but it’s pretty old. Does anyone know how to connect it to a computer? It has two plugs on the back, headphones/aux out and dc in. Is this keyboard good enough to use with a DAW? I sat down with the keyboard and came up with a short song. Here is the video. I’ve also been looking at keyboards on craigslist in my area just in case that keyboard that I have can’t be used. My price range is about $100. Here is a few that I found. http://houston.craigslist.org/msg/2384221390.html http://houston.craigslist.org/msg/2395836778.html But I really don’t even know what I’m looking for. I don’t know what’s good or bad or even what I need. I downloaded the trial version of Reaper. But I really don’t know how to use it yet. I’m currently watching tutorials on youtube to help me familiarize myself with it. The full version is also in my price range $40 is something that I can afford. Also I’m reading the guide that Rozovian wrote and plan on reading it all the way though. So anyway, that’s where I’m at. Thanks for the comments guys. I’m trying.
  4. First, since I’m brand new to the forums. I’ll introduce myself. I grew up playing video games as a kid, now that I’m older, I still find myself playing those same games back on the SNES, Genesis, NES and more. I have listened to OC remixes for several years and I have a great appreciation for video game music. For a long time now I have really wanted to make some of my own remixes of some video game songs. Whenever I get an idea for a remix, I get out my digital camera and sing or beat-box the tune that I want to express. The problem is that I have no idea how to turn those songs recorded on my camera into professional remixes that I can submit to the site. As far as equipment and instruments goes, I have a decent computer, Sony Vaio Quad Core (1.73 GHz). I have a piano at my house but that’s it. Now at my parent’s house (different house) they have, bass guitar, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, a keyboard and other equipment that I probably don’t know what it is or what it does. I have no formal training on the guitar or piano but I played cello in my school orchestra for 6 years. I have no music programs on my computer. So basically, I have made some remixes, but they are in a very crude format, me just singing them on tape, only my voice. I want to bring these songs and ideas to life and turn them into high quality remixes that I can try to submit to OC remix. The songs are already there, I can hear them inside my head. I know exactly how I want them to sound but I do not know how to make them. I have tried reading tutorials on the net, but I am a beginner and have no idea where to start. If anyone would be kind enough to offer advice or help me get started I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you. For example, here is a song I would like to make a remix for. Super Mario Kart: Special Ending Me singing the version of the song that I want to make. Again thanks.
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