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King Tickenn'ya

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Everything posted by King Tickenn'ya

  1. I made a thread there, and then I saw the description of this thread and thought that maybe I had to use this one instead. That's why I made 2 topics.
  2. This isn't a remix of Rainbow Road, this is a song all on its own. It's a similar tempo to the Rainbow Road stuff though, and I actually have a lyrics sheet for it and the lyrics are about racing on the pretty Rainbow Road! This is entirely unfinished, it needs some more oomph that I can find ways to add.
  3. Er... nvm that. I'm continuing this. Someone likes the demo! Lol
  4. Yeah dude that was a bad (worse) version of the song.
  5. Ok, nvm this then. Another user suggested something that sounds smart.
  6. No, dude, they're not rude because they don't do stuff for me... they just always talk in a mean tone. And that's my problem. Never really much semblance to niceness. I guess that if it's gonna take me years to learn how to make just 1 song, then I would imagine that just sharing my idea with people who could do it in far, far less time is a good idea. So yeah, I could probably make a MIDI and have it here soon enough. That'd help people get what going on better?
  7. Okay, y'all, this is my 3rd version! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6AN9jM33uc&feature=channel_video_title I don't really care for critique anymore. I like it like this. It's a good amateur feat I think, and this sound is almost as good as I would've hoped for. I'm not aiming for anything groundbreaking here anymore. Of course, I still need to ask for someone to lay down some guitar riffage, and maybe a tiny little solo plz? C'mon, let's try and enjoy ourselves with this one. Not aim for anything super fancy! I'm not going for that anymore.
  8. So... I have to do... the ENTIRE THING over again? Since I don't have any of those things (at least, to my knowledge) nor know where to get them, couldja hand me some links? Unless they're already in FL... yo! Maybe you can reinvent this piece then, since you probably have everything you'd need for it? It'd be way easier for you... D:
  9. Ok, got it. I can add a bit more synth in the "chorus" section. And that'll help the piece a bit more.
  10. Neat song, but... I kinda got bored halfway through. Nothing was really happening, it was just kinda... stuck... in the beginning.
  11. Maybe not, but it's a site for music, and collaboration. I've seen the album guidelines-- turns out you're basically required to get extra composers for it! While I'm not making an album, I'm making a song, and songs make up an album... I think most people here would be happy to help out and do some music too. Well, if you guys are NOT happy to help out... couldja point me out to a place that is?
  12. I don't really know what else I could add... I wasn't going for a really "produced" song, I just did want a little "magical" synth in there withe the guitar as the main focus. That's my goal. I also asked that in case anyone can help the production on the song sound a little less sparse, I'd appreciate it. And yeah, dude, I have a different thread up now. In the PYO board. Go check it out, maybe we can let this one die.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lcgJSQTG_o&feature=channel_video_title This song is obviously far from complete. It needs some heavy guitar, and it might need a little more pad synth. It could also use some singing... I could do that probably. But then again, so could you. It also needs a 2-second intro of some sort... that'd add just a bit more meat to this. So uh... wanna help out? PS the low-quality sound you might hear with a good ear is because I did purposely make this somewhat low-quality, because I do like music that's just a bit fuzzy. I don't ask for additons to the song to be low-quality too, but if you could, that'd be really cool.
  14. Ok, new version will be made, without guitar. This thread can be removed now. XD
  15. I thought you said you found the tune? :/ Whatever. Gosh, OCRemix users are always so difficult...
  16. So... do we understand that this was made on FL and therefore I couldn't really get any good guitar-like sounds because of this? I'm sorry, dude, I really am. As long as you know how the main riff is going and as long as you have good enough ideas on how to make this sound like an actual song, then you're all set. That is, if you're a guitar player... Oh, and btw, the quality was not originally like this. When I saved it I had the quality set at 16000 (it might be called "sample" or "frequency" too... Idk, hopefully, that's a good enough clue as to what I mean) and yes, that's way too low, I would've wanted to increase that a little... but, I still wanted to keep the quality quite low. And just for clarification: what is lo-fi? I don't wanna be throwing that term around just in case I'm wrong...
  17. Hi, everyone! I just made my account a while ago, but... okay. The thing is, I had this really cool song idea, and so I used the FL Studio to make it. The only problem is... that this song uses guitar, and hopefully I'm not the only one who knows that the guitar stuff on FL Studio is... well, shit. Since I don't play guitar, I ask that a GOOD guitar player can give this song a listen, and think of a way he can revamp this song, like reinventing the solo altogether (please please PLEASE, do a better solo than this!) any kind of riff reinvention is welcome, but try and play a riff similar to what you think is going on here. A drum and bass revamp is also welcome, but I like the sound of both of those already so nobody has to. Um... also, I want someone with a good singing voice to try and find a melody out of some lyrics I wrote for this (some slight improvements to the lyrics are welcome if you think you have a good idea): "Take me out on Rainbow Road The “Highway of the Heavens” Take me out on Rainbow Road For a Psychedelic Experience Steer the course to victory Won’t settle for any less So won’t you COME ON, and make my dream come true Let this be the highway I race through Today, all problems will go away As I race on Rainbow Road-- if only just for today Take me out on Rainbow Road With all the beautiful colors I’ll be so psyched on Rainbow Road That I’ll outrace all the others Steer the course to victory Won’t settle for any less So won’t you COME ON, and make my dream come true Let this be the highway I race through Today, all problems will go away As I race on Rainbow Road-- if only just for today" Link's right here, guys: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aS30FOYiUP4&feature=channel_video_title Btw guys, no complaining about the terrible quality! While I wasn't hoping to make it sound THIS bad, I did want to have a pretty murky sound in it, as if it was recorded with some lo-fi equipment (because I DO like that sound, actually). I dunno if you can help making your recording sound lo-fi, but guys, if you can, do that! It'd be totally awesome!
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