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Posts posted by Clockwerker

  1. I loved this game when i played it years ago and to recreate the songs would be interesting... was thinking i could create some rather nice atmospheric and relaxed remixes to the OST however i might get adventurous and try some really interesting stuff... kinda thinking orchestral / dubstep / idmish / ambient styled themes with the oriental themes to it... or maybe just one big ambient album...

    Will stay in touch with updates...

    - Clockwerker

  2. Hey I'm the new guy to ocremix... so ill start by saying yeh, this definitely is a wildly diverse community! For starters i feel rather out of place so far but i figure ill start by posting some video game styled tunes here that I've written myself with full mechanical rights and copyrights too [under Australian copyright law, yes I'm an aussie heheheh]

    Its a mixture of:

    Oriental "Influenced" Vibes, Atmosphere / Sonics Soundscapes, Subtle Layers of Melody, With a Chilled Vibe throughout...

    The album is available as a sneak peek with tracks pending to update over time... [i just keep adding more music to this album] and for the moment I'm just using some rather vague names in order to keep things rather generic "IDK21" or whatever whatever for tracks.

    Album is left untitled for the moment aswell just if your interested in using these tracks for some projects, big shout out to games developers while projects are pending and you might be looking for some music for some kinds of iphone styled games or anything you have in mind.

    For those in producers in development looking for tunes: Games like puzzle / adventure with spacey / underwater styled themes I'd say would probably suit these tunes, however if you use your imagination I'm sure they can be applied to much broader styled projects quite easily!

    Licensing: Totally OK either way with non exclusive or fully exclusive licensing however i would prefer the latter [i want to sign something before we make a deal basically]

    So here's some stuff for anyone with an interest in ambient chilled out styles of music to appreciate and enjoy!

    LINKAGE: http://soundcloud.com/ticktockclockwerk/sets/untitled/s-dz0Xh

    Totally think its worth your while to have a listen... come on you know you want to :-D

    - Clockwerker

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