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The Thin King

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Posts posted by The Thin King

  1. Haven't even named it it's so new. Just started working on this after finishing my Gears of War 2 remix (fingers crossed the judges will like it, my first remix in about 8 years). My first tendency for most mixes is to load a string section and rely on it quite a bit, dunno about doing that for this one. But who knows, maybe it'll really work.


    Pretty catchy with a nice groove. Could turn into something really cool!

  2. I love those who take initiative to go one step further with their music and put art or video to it in some creative way. It really augments the whole experience one can have while listening.

    The music is upbeat and fun, and I think the video is suiting and well done. Probably took quite some time editing!! The song itself is really good, but I feel where it lacks is in the production quality. There are some guitar lines in there being drowned out by other notes or simply they are just too quiet in the mix.

    That's really all i have to say. Nice job.

    Thanks a lot for the feedback! I totally agree and would like to collaborate with animators to expand on the visual possibilities.

    Certain parts of the song do have numerous guitar parts at once which I played around with level and panning in the mix. I have had that comment before on a previous song about a guitar part being too quiet so I will take that into consideration and I appreciate getting a listener's point of view. I think part of the reason is my love for that feeling of hearing something new on a song when you thought you knew it by heart so I'm trying to emulate that in a way.

  3. Hello Everyone!

    Here is my latest music video. Any feedback is appreciated

    A ninja wields a jeweled wand to become possessed by an eye he wears around his neck. The rhythm overtakes him and the drum set suffers the consequences. Do you dare look into the Eye Of The Ninja ?!


    <iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/3Vu5wrdtDzA?feature=player_embedded" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


  4. Hello Everyone

    Here is a new original song plus my attempt at animation.

    I am primarily focused on making music but like to create visuals for my songs as well even if a bit crude. I would like to learn more about animation and collaborate with visual artsists. Also most of my stuff is instrumental so would like to meet any vocalists out there. But everyone is welcome to say hello and give any feedback you may have.


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