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Everything posted by Cris

  1. Hey guys! I've got a pleasure to show You my newest track called War in Your Heart. Check it out http://soundcloud.com/crisofficial/krzysztof-kus-war-in-your
  2. http://soundcloud.com/crisofficial/halo-3-never-forget-cris-1 ok here's final version
  3. Thanks for comment! I thought that i can make it more "touchy" and I'll upload Final version when it'll be finish
  4. thanks for comment. Actually I don't have enough skills and instruments to make something fresh and new. I love classic soundtrack style with piano and strings. It's hard to beat this briliant original track. I done my best with my version. I made an original never forget motiv that early because i thought that it will be more insteresting than strings and strings in the circle. You know people tells me that i'm making a little bit boring tracks so i'm working on differentation in track. Thanks again for comment it is really building to hear that!
  5. Hi Guys! I'm glad to show You my newest track. It's my version of great orchestral track "Never Forget". Please comment what do You think about it! http://soundcloud.com/crisofficial/halo-3-never-forget-cris
  6. first track is amazing!
  7. nice job man! especially this synth which starts at 1:18 keep it up!
  8. Hi all of OC users! Here's my first track uploaded here:) I think that he's good:) It's from game Devil May Cry and it's called Seeds of Love enjoy http://soundcloud.com/crisofficial/devil-may-cry-seeds-of-love
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