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Posts posted by Ryuuga

  1. OMG! I admit, I just heard about this site and registered just to take part in this contest. But Nobuo Uematsu is a HUGE part of my life!! and I know its the same for everyone here but how many can say he CHANGED your life? because he changed mine. He inspired me to study music and have a career in music when I was 15. I listened to his songs and was fall into a peaceful trance, overwhelmed by the beautiful melodies.

    Because of him I am happy and content with what I'm doing right now, because of him I have become a musician. If i ever get a chance to meet him, I want to tell him that.

    To meet him and Arnie Roth in person is a lifelong dream of mine. And doing so would allow me to check off another dream from my "lifelong dreams list" Thank you for the opportunity OCremix

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