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Posts posted by SomeGuyMusic

  1. I really liked this!

    My only critique is that there wasn't a big climactic point in the song. It just seemed to lull a bit repetitively onward and then finish. I would add some cymbal crescendos and a few drum hits just for some extra dramatic flavor.

    Keep up the good work, though!

  2. Greetings all!

    I recently acquired the Tron: Legacy soundtrack and was completely blown away by the work of Daft Punk. In turn, I decided to try my hand at a little moviescore-esque track. I don't have a plugin for a full symphony nor do I have access to a real symphony (if only...), but I tried to make this track still sound like it belonged in a film. I just used the Toxic Biohazard plugin in FL Studio. Let me know what you think!


  3. Normally I am not a fan of acoustic jams, but I like this one! You mentioned that you decided against adding a violin to this song, but I think a violin would be a fine addition. You could have it play the chords with the acoustic guitar in the background most of the time, but then give it a counter solo during the acoustic duet. Also the violin could, with a few fills, outline the phrases a little more. I think it might add some fullness and diversity. Next you throw in some bongos and BOOM, a full acoustic set. I hope this was relatively helpful. Keep up the good work! :D

  4. This is amazing I dream of making music this well mixed. I only really posted to compliment this arrangement. The only critique I have is extremely subjective so you can disregard it. Before the guitar starts playing, and even maybe a bit after, you could put (choir) oohs. I just heard them in my head while listening to the song. But in any case this amazing I can't wait until it's done.

    Thanks you for your kind words! I never thought about putting a choir in those two places; I'll try it and see how it sounds.

  5. This is my hands down my favorite remix on the site. I could ramble on about the technical aspects of this tune that I liked, but my love of this piece really boils down to one specific thing--it perfectly conveys the satisfaction I felt as a child when I dominated Mario Kart. This mix takes me back to the good ole days when everything was simple. Fantastic job! Keep up the good work guys! :D

  6. Greetings all!

    I started this remix about five months ago. I've worked on it on and off ever since. It still isn't finished (I still have to write an epic guitar duet for the end :D), but I figured I'd showcase what I have thus far and maybe get some feedback.


    I thought about how someone might go about analyzing this song, and this is what I decided to go with...:

    This is a story told from the perspective of an innocent onlooker. The piano at the beginning is the narrator setting the scene as to what has just taken place (kirby's destruction of the Halberd). The rest of the 6/8 meter section is supposed to take place during the sunset ride of the actual game. The flute solo is the fallen voice of the sailor Waddle Dee :'(

    The solo trumpet is the voice of Meta Knight trying to process what happened to him and his ship. The solo guitar is the voice of kirby (and sidekick) recounting the same events as they ride into the sunset; thus, the voices are in unison in some places and differ in other places. Upon conclusion of the 6/8 section, the setting changes once again to an undisclosed location months after the destruction of the Halberd. Kirby is asked about what happened, and he recounts the tale from his perspective. The solo female vocal is designed to convey a flashback or dreamlike atmosphere. Kirby and sidekick are, again, the guitars(which I haven't written yet, so use your imagination :P) They do their thing and destroy the Halberd. The solo female vocal is heard yet again, and that is to signify a return to the present. At another undisclosed location, Meta Knight is asked the same question by his villain buddies as to what happened. Meta Knight takes a brief moment to remember sailor Waddle Dee(solo flute) and then swears that he will one day avenge his dear Halberd, smite Kirby, and enslave Dreamland (the building and final sustained note by the solo trumpet).

    So that's what popped into my head when I sat back and listened to this. I hope you all enjoy what I have so far and leave me feedback! :D

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