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Everything posted by TommyGundersen

  1. Thanks Section!! That's great And yeah, I really hope Ezio's theme is at least implementet somewhere inside the game's soundtrack ... @Matoshi : It's fine dude I just made this thread for the reason not to hijack Jillian's thread The best of luck to your friend still, I voted!
  2. Ah... Yeah, wouldn't want to sound like an ass ... Or something Haha.
  3. What's so wrong with my thread title? The unfortunate abbreviation in your screencapture which is by no way my fault?
  4. Hey Matoshi! Thanks a bunch! Your friend has a good voice, but ... I'm not sure what I feel about thread-hijacking
  5. Haha yes! Samsung Galaxy S2... Best mic available in the house hehe x)
  6. That sounds very appealing Although if I didn't mention earlier in this thread, my track was recorded with my phone ... So ... Heheh!
  7. Thanks a lot guys ... I am so stressed about keeping my... Sittingmuscles, onto the top 20 charts, I doubt I'll get much sleep until Monday night ... You guys might just help me relax a bit x)
  8. Exactly! I am the one here sitting with a semi-exam due tomorrow evening, and fighting at the border between rank #19 and #21! Ohh, life is stressful sometimes ... Thanks for votes
  9. *Pulls up the arms of his T-Shirt and flexes a iny-tiny muscle* Challenge accepted! Thanks for vote!
  10. Heya everyone! Before I move on to my point, I think a short introduction is appropriate as it's my first post. My name is Tommy Gundersen. I am a 20 year young composer who dream of making his way into the game-music career. I tried to join these forums about a year ago, but got occupied by school. Now I am back for full and hope to give Jillian a.k.a. Pixietricks a run for her money! Hehe! (Don't get me wrong, I love her entry!!) I hate this being my first post here, as I've been familiar with OCR for many years, but the deadline is due tomorrow... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As many of you probably know, there is a contest going on by Ubisoft/UJAM, where the winner will get the opportunity to sing for the main-theme in Assassin's Creed: Revelations! The first round, which ends tomorrow, is about reaching the top 20 on the leaderboards. Those will proceed to the finals. I am currently ranked #21. Tough luck! Thus I ask for you guys' kind help! It would be a great honor for me if you could listen to my track and vote should you like it! All votes are as worthy as gold to me right now! Listen to my contest entry, and vote I would like to thank all of you who've taken time to read this. Thanks! I hope to be a lot more active in the near future and be able to contribute my remixes to OCRE and the listeners she has to offer! Best regards, Tommy.
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