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Posts posted by Vortigon

  1. Thanks for the feedback.


    I had no idea, I'm gonna experiment with that. It's probably why most of my tracks feel flat as soon as too many instruments are playing at the same time.


    Yeah I agree, it's too samey throughout the whole track. I should probably try to build more on the theme next time instead of a simple break in the middle. I'll get some better instruments next time.

  2. Hey guys, Could use some feedback. This just got rejected on the judges panel (http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=45785) and as much as I'd like to resubmit it with a few changes. I don't have the original source file anymore since . My only option is to rebuild start from scratch, but before I do that, i'd like to know what the biggest problems are.

    I feel that if I do this again, I should focus on getting the right samples. should be easy enough, but since I know nothing on music theory I'm having a bit of trouble understanding some of the judge's feedback.

    What exactly is soundfield and how would one make it deeper?

    What is roomsound?

    How can I make this less two dimensional, should I try experimenting with balance and reverb?

    Original songs:

    Main theme:

    Lith Harbor:


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