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Everything posted by jaxcheese

  1. You'd think by now someone would have created a program that creates dozens of Facebook accounts, logs in to all of them, and automatically likes the Maverick Rising page while continually refreshing a zoomed-in view of the likes counter on the screen. That's how serious the fan community is.
  2. Man, you people need to be more obvious with your sarcasm.
  3. Wait, you only get the first disc for free? I haven't heard about any of this. How do they know how many times I've listened to it? Are they following me?
  4. Wait...so http://drewgourley.com/maverickrising isn't the project website? Got to see the video now, too. But it already has one dislike? What's wrong with people these days? I suppose some people are angered by the vocals, but personally I don't see them as a problem.
  5. What? This video is private? And I didn't even get to see it...
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