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Posts posted by AndriconBoy

  1. Thank you for the suggestions, but budget is a huge factor right now and I can't afford another machine or even another OS.

    I'm not even sure I'd want to invest in another OS with Windows 8 around the corner.

    And I don't do Macs. Yeah, throw your stones. I don't mind.:roll:

    I did play around with Fruity Loops a smidge about a decade ago, but honestly didn't like it. The interface was just really clunky to me. I might invest in a newer version if you think it's a decent tool for "starting over."

  2. I want to get back into digital composition and editing after a 17 year hiatus. I'm guessing a lot has changed in the time since I last dabbled, so I'm looking to ease into it and relearn everything.

    I'm looking for a basic, modern, cheap PC based program that will run on Windows Vista, and if it comes in under $100 that would be icing on the cake.

    Any suggestions?

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