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dr. chicken

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Profile Information

  • Real Name
    Christopher Lancaster
  • Location

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  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Drum Programming
    Synthesis & Sound Design
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Acoustic Guitar

dr. chicken's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Thanks!! I don't feel it follows TOO closely to the the original arrangement, but it does reuse several melodies without much variation, so you're right. I really appreciate the feedback. It was never my intention to submit to OCR but now I wish I really had the original files to work with so I could alter it. I've been having some bad luck as of late. I really appreciate the positive feedback! I've been trying to find an audience for feedback on my music and this place seems perfect!
  2. Hello there, I'm dr. chicken and I'm fairly new here. This is my first posting to ocremix.org! I originally lurked around, following albums and downloading some inspiring songs here and there. You may even recognize me from the ocremix Team Fortress 2 server! Now I'm not sure how many of you are familiar with the new Indie title Dustforce, but I picked it up on launch day and fell in love with it. I watched a short gameplay clip and the music really caught my attention. Sure enough, after purchasing the game, the soundtrack did not let me down. So here is my rendition of Lifeformed's "Baryogenesis. I hope you guys enjoy! Link to the original: http://soundcloud.com/lifeformed/fastfall-dustforce-ost-2 Link to the remix: http://soundcloud.com/dr-chicken/lifeformed-baryogenesis-dr Notes: It was my original intention to post this as a Work In Progress, but unfortunately, I lost a lot of the original WAV tracks rendered in this mix. So this is the final version for now. I would love to hear your critique of this track and plan on using ocremix as a source of future critique on WIPs! Thanks! P.S. I can't forget to share Lifeformed's soundtrack with you guys. There are some seriously awe-inspiring tracks on there that I know you guys will really appreciate. http://soundcloud.com/lifeformed
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