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Posts posted by Nubblecakes

  1. Yeah, I wanted to keep the song minimal overall, but still be worth listening to. As far as limitations go, the only real ones I worked with were the D-Minor Pentatonic scale and the 120 BPM. Obviously I could always just ignore those limitations, but I thought they were interesting enough, plus 120 is a solid bpm for mellow trance in my opinion. I tried going up and down a few digits but it just didn't feel right to me. As far as actual synths go, there's definitely nothing limiting there, so the bass synth is definitely something I could address. I think it sounds fine for the first half of the song, but it might be a bit too dull in the latter half since there's more going on at that point.

    I wasn't all that sure what to do around the 3 minute mark, I just knew that I needed for the song to calm down then build to the next part. But your ideas sound interesting so I might try them out. I definitely agree that there needs to be some automation there to keep things interesting.

    Anyway, thanks for your feedback. It's greatly appreciated. If you're interested in the game I'm talkin about, I actually made a little video showing the original song I based this off of. You can watch it below.



  2. I like it. Though you might want to consider playing with all the note velocities and stuff so it sounds less robotic and more humanized. Right now it has that sampled, mechanical feel to it. You could also try playing with the timing of certain notes on certain instruments so not everything is 100% perfectly quantized. This can help get rid of some of that robotic sound as well. Obviously you don't want to go too far with that or it will actually sound like it's out of time or off beat. You only need a tiny bit of variation.

    I think the piano and brass instruments specifically will benefit a lot from this, but it's really all up to experimentation.

  3. Hey there guys. I recently finished this simple little trance track and thought I'd share it here for anyone who likes relaxing trance music. This track actually came about as I was playing with the Mandachord in the game Warframe. You can make silly little songs with it and play them in the game as a bard character to buff your allies. I also had Orbital on the mind as I was adapting my silly Mandachord song in to a full track, and this was the result.

    Of course, "adapting" is kind of a stretch here, since you can only make very basic loops with the Mandachord that are only four bars long with simple drums, a bass line, and a melody. You're also limited to a D-Minor Pentatonic scale and a BPM of 120 to boot, so the resulting "song" can only be so complex. But I see the limitation as an interesting challenge when I try to turn it in to a full track in FL Studio, so I enjoyed the process a lot. I've actually done another track like this in the past, which turned out a lot different from this one in terms of the song's overall tone.


    Anyway, I hope you like it. Feel free to lay out any criticisms you may have. I'm always open to it.

  4. Hey there folks. I registered here a while back; even posted a few tracks as well. But that was at least a year ago. I've made some new stuff since then and figured I would post them here to get some feedback from you guys.


    Flowing, progressive track. Sort of trancey, but more down-tempo with acoustic percussion. Ideal for headphones and translates very well at higher volumes.


    Progressive trance here. Nothing huge and epic like melodic trance and stuff though. I wanted to try my hand at something a little more clubby. Maybe it's more akin to house? I'm not sure. I also focused a lot on the production so that it was super high quality. I'm 95% sure there's no noticeable distortion or clipping, and all the synths and samples I used stay within their own spectrum and shouldn't bleed in to or muddy up anything else. I hope so, at least. This track is also ideal for headphones and sounds great at high volumes.

    You can view my profile here:


    Hope you enjoy. Feel free to leave positive or negative feedback; any ideas you might have that would help me improve. Follow me on SC if you so wish. It makes no difference to me (but I'll be super happy if you do). Even if I just get three plays and maybe one follower, I'll be satisfied.

  5. I like it when people don't compress everything. Raw sound is much more pleasing to listen to in my opinion. I pretty much never use compression in my songs. Ever. In my opinion, you did a fantastic job of avoiding distortion while making the song sound good without compression. Feel proud.

    I actually REALLY like this song a lot. The one and only thing I think you should expand on is the percussion so it varies a bit more. Not the beat, but the actual sound. Throughout the entirety of the song it's low and distorted.

    Perhaps in the latter half, you could do an automation clip that gradually fades from that grungy sound to a more tight, "real" sound. Just something to keep the percussion from becoming stale. Or you could try and do a nice juxtaposition of genres. Start with that slow, down-tempo beat you already have, then change to a more drum and bass style afterward.

    PS: At first I thought the name you chose for the song was more of a joke, but it suits it.

  6. After scrapping my recent remix project, I decided I'd post a remix I did a while back for Half-Life 2, just for fun.

    There was a remix of this song years ago called Path of Borealis, done by Viktor Antonov. It pretty much inspired me to do a remix of my own, though I don't think I came close to his remix in terms of quality. My remix might be too deliberate, which isn't exactly a good thing.

    I struggled to get this remix sounding right, but hopefully it paid off. I'm not really sure if it's worth mod review or anything, so I figured I'd just share it with the community. The original song is very short in length so it was tough to create a lengthy track without making it repetitive. I don't know if I succeeded. Viktor Antonov did a ton of work with the piano in his remix, which made it sound very cool and dynamic. Unfortunately, I don't have that kind of skill. :<




    I have another mix with a different intro in case anyone's interested or doesn't like how this version starts. I'll upload it to Soundcloud if there's any demand.

    Enjoy. All feedback is more than welcome.

  7. I have to say I really dig your style. I love your songs Dem Disjointed Chemicals and Ice Cap Deep especially. This song is pretty sweet too. You've got a really consistent theme and it's got a lot of power to it. I hope you post the full version at some point.

    Good job man.

  8. Yeah, I never had ambitions with music. I started messing around in FL Studio like 7 years ago, and since then that's all I've really done with music. I'll look over this track some more and try to add some nice sweeps and rises and other cool effects to give it more life.

    I think a gong hit is in order for the down tempo section. :lol:

  9. Yeah...I used Nexus for a lot of things, though there are a few things that aren't from Nexus.

    I'm not exactly knowledgeable when it comes to using synthesizers, so I tend to use stock presets and whatnot to compensate. I can easily imagine a specific sound for a synth, but I lack the knowledge to really create it in any kind of VST plugin since I never really educated myself in that department. I'm not exactly proud of it to be quite honest.

    The reality is, all I do is mess around in FL Studio. I don't use any other hardware aside from my computer to make music. I never learned any instruments, though I wish I had (mainly the piano).

  10. Hi there Groboclown. Thanks a lot for the reply.

    I agree, the song could definitely use some compacting. I've been hard at work redoing and replacing synths to make the song sound a little more like the original. I don't want the song's structure to be verbatim to the original, but similar to some degree. I didn't really do any rearranging but I don't think it really needs it.

    I was actually considering trying to incorporate (in to my remix) the boss music that plays when you fight the spore spawn in Super Metroid. In my opinion, both the spore spawn and Vehelits have really similar features (big giant floating head, equally weird themes). The problem is the spore spawn music is so different and is pretty minimal as well. I'm not entirely sure it would work out. But it's still worth a shot, right?


    Just uploaded the new mix. A lot has changed; hopefully all for the better:

    Updated mix was added to original post.

    Changed the song title too. The original title was a bit unimaginative in my opinion, and I think the new title better suits the "inspiration" to remix the original. Plus I misspelled Vehelits as Vehilits.

  11. To start, I'd just like to say hello. Just got my account approved and decided I would post my current work-in-progress remix.

    I decided recently to remix Alien Power from Streets of Rage 2. I used to play this game with my brothers a lot when I was four years old. The stage where you fight vehilits, the floating alien head, always creeped me out. It wasn't the way it looked that got to me, it was the music (and the sounds the boss made).

    Anyway, so far I have the basic structure of the song done. I still need to do loads of work on the intro, the transitions, and the outro. I'm going for a dark acid/psychedelic trance song. I really want it to flow nice and smooth. The current BPM is 140.

    I use FL Studio and various VST plugins. I'm pretty inexperienced and I can't play any instruments. Bare with me if you use a musical term whose meaning I don't know. I'm completely open to all criticism so feel free to tear my song apart. Just, you know, keep in mind it's really early in development.

    Original song:


    Listen to the track here:

    http://soundcloud.com/nubblecakes/vehilits-the-conqueror-beta (Obsolete)

    Update 1:



    New percussion for the trance segments (break beat percussion remains the same).

    Synths that play during the apex of the trance segments have been replaced with new ones. They rely less on gating effects and are a bit more "vanilla" in sound to make the remix sound more like the original. They still have some uniqueness to them, though.

    Improved areas such as the intro, transitions, and outro to be more smooth; via effects such as sweeps, rises, falls, and classic reverse crashes. The song should flow a lot better. There is still work to be done in this department.

    Better breakdown at the end of the break beat segment to give it more energy.

    Added recording of Vehelits boss fight at the end for fun. Not sure if this is frowned upon though.

    I changed the thread type to Mod Review in hopes that I might get some more feedback. I think it might have a chance of getting accepted as it is, but if not then oh well.
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