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Everything posted by theycallmeTUNE

  1. Thank you again! I’ll try and reach out via Twitter, but if anyone else reading this has this mp3 sitting on their hard drive or backed up somewhere, PLEASE send it my way here: https://s.disco.ac/cxknrtkuxaym Best, TUNE
  2. Hey man! Thanks for your reply! No sir, it’s completely different from the “Mariocean” Remix which has a 3/4 bar structure and is more like a lullaby, which can be heard in the original Swimming (BGM) game music as well. “Let’s Go Mario” is a 4/4 bar structure and is more of a filter house sound. DEFINITELY a dance tune that is an interpolation of the Overworld Theme. I promise it exists because I’ve found it on a P2P site but the user hasn’t logged on in weeks so it won’t download! I also vividly remember the remixer “spacepony” having a personal website where all of these remixes lived, but that was like 10 years ago. Best, TUNE
  3. Hey everyone! Apologies if I'm posting in the incorrect spot, but I’m looking for a few remixes by OC Remix legend “spacepony.” I've been having a hard time tracking down especially one particular remix he made years ago (title of this post). I swear it was on this site (can't really figure where else it would have been anyway) and I'm not having any luck searching here or on YouTube. As the title implies, it was a remix of the Overworld (Main Theme) from Super Mario World. Any help would be appreciated, thank you! Best, TUNE
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