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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Okay guys, so I finally finished my album/EP "Good Old Times". I'd like to share every single tracks with you and of course the the download. Track List: Track 1 - Good Old Times (feat. Laffe The Fox) -->1 - Good Old Times (SoundCloud) Track 2 - DaX' Hideout -->2 - DaX' Hideout (SoundCloud) Track 3 - Space Virus --3 Space Virus (SoundCloud) Track 4 - That Feeling -->4 - That Feeling (SoundCloud) Track 5 - Lights -->5 - Lights (SoundCloud) Track 6 - Huzzah! (Welcome To Grasstown)-->6 - Huzzah! (SoundCloud) Track 7 - Boss Wave (Outro) -->7 - Boss Wave (SoundCloud) I really enjoyed producing this EP and I hope you guys like it!
  2. Thank you very much for the critcism. I will really try to implement these tips for my upcoming tracks, I'm pretty sure they will help me to get better in chiptune producing (:
  3. Hey guys I tried making a Moombahton-like Remix of the Kraids Hideout Theme from Metroid Zero Mission for the Game Boy Advance (: https://soundcloud.com/daxshock/daxshock-dax-hideout-chiptune Let me know what you think about it (: Critism is welcome!
  4. Just want to post 2 original Tracks I created. Let me know what you think about it (: DaXShock ft. N30 - Lights: https://soundcloud.com/daxshock/daxshock-n30-lights-got DaXShock - That Feeling: https://soundcloud.com/daxshock/daxshock-that-feeling-got
  5. https://soundcloud.com/daxshock/daxshock-good-old-times-at4re I and a friend of mine remixed a Chiptune/Keygen Track of AT4RE. It isn't an Original Track and no Game Remix, so I dont know if this fits here, sorry if not! Please let me know what you think of this.
  6. https://soundcloud.com/daxshock/daxshock-battle-for-the-future The 5th track, pls rate and comment!
  7. Sorry for the missunderstanding. It's not like I just want to do some chiptuning with someone and that's it. Of course the track would be a release for my album. I just want to integrate und feature some other chiptuners for this project.
  8. Merry Christmas everyone! https://soundcloud.com/daxshock/daxshock-silent-night-extended
  9. I cant give you a reward. I am just doing it for fun, that's it. If you need a benefit or a reward so badly, you are at the wrong place with this thread
  10. Sorry, I cant give my partner a benefit, I just want to have some fun at chiptuning and maybe learn something new about it. What benefit did you think of?
  11. Just listen to the tracks I finished for my album so far: https://soundcloud.com/daxshock I just want to integrate some chiptuners into my tracks. I hope that I can learn from them as we do these tracks for my project.
  12. I am looking for some Chiptune/8Bit Artists to collaborate with, please let me know if you are interested.
  13. https://soundcloud.com/daxshock 3 Tracks are finished, there are more to come for this album! Let me know what you think about it.
  14. Hey guys, I finished my album 'Heaven Journey' a few days ago and started to work on a new one. It is called 'Pixelated Enemy' and I already made a track. Listen! (: This is totally original. No Remix.
  15. Thank you, Phonetic Hero! Here is a new Track. Made in about 2 hours, not very much. It is a "Mash up" between Heaven Journey and Unreal Superhero. I hope you like it!
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