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Posts posted by lonlonmilklover

  1. It's been found!

    The tune IS from "The Neverhood" but only the first batch of demo discs produced for it.

    That's why my queries on youtube came up zilch, even when searching "The Neverhood Demo"

    because later demos had different music.

    This cut never made the official Original Sound Track List.


    Written by a cool musician named Terry S. Taylor.

    Check out this game, AND the full Soundtrack if you like creative, original projects. The

    game is published from Dreamworks Interactive, and plays a lot like a 3rd person, 2

    dimensional MYST concept, and here's the coolest part - It's 100% Claymation :)

  2. I made a MIDI file of a tune that has become stuck in my head for months now, and I'm on a desperate mission to find what it's from.

    I for some reason thought it was a tune from "The Neverhood" or "Conker's Bad Fur Day" but nothing on their soundtracks matches the tune.

    Also I'm fairly certain I remember clicking around with a mouse only, as if this was a mouse based clicking game like a puzzler or possibly a unique platformer or adventure game.

    I have played games on PC from 1993 through present, but I'm certain it's a game at least 5 years old, possibly much more, closer to mid or late 90's?

    It could be a console game possibly, but I just can't place it.

    The instrumentation I used was exactly and closely as I could remember each part:

    Sneaky Jazzy Drum Ride Cymbals & Hi Hat

    Upright Acoustic Bass

    Acoustic Rhythm Guitar

    Melody (chosen as "Choir" MIDI voice) supposed to be a Detective-like whistle, echoing as if walking through an alleyway.

    I remember associating this tune with a detective-like feel, I suppose that's why I'm guessing it was a click-based puzzle adventure.

    Please I beg you, does anybody recognize this?


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