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Posts posted by Verifay

  1. I was iffy on the noise myself; I'll take that out.

    As for where I'm going with it... I really want to make something that tells a story. Like the story of Laruto, who did her duty to the gods until she was cut down by Jalhalla. Perhaps I could lead it into a rendition of the Earth God's Lyric, then fit in Jalhalla's theme somehow? It would need a lot of dynamics to sound like a story. I think that might work.

    Are there any specific tips anyone could give me about doing something like that?

  2. Hello there. Since I've never done any remixing before, it was suggested that I should start with something simple- a cover. I decided to cover 'Sage Laruto' from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker.

    This is the source:

    And this is my cover: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5pErhRgcyU

    There's still a few things I want to tweak- namely, the transition between the first and second segments, adding dynamics and perhaps making it longer. The instruments might need some (major) changes, too. Are there any other aspects that I should look at? Thanks.

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