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  1. Uuuhhhh, pardon friend, is that I did not realized to put mentions it original. Therefore here it is mentions it of the family, link of the YouTube... Link
  2. Here I am again with this mentions of the bat man of the family. It is a remix with a style to cumbia that fascinates me, with a pretty rhythm of battery, a reduction with a lot of swing and a plate that does chi chiquichi chiquichi, that gives you desires to dance, wey. Then in the end of it mentions I showed my metal side, with a magnificent sound to guitar, low and heavy battery. A genius. I expect that they enjoy it as I. Good-bye! Link -> http://soundcloud.com/josecito-guadalajara/el-retorno-del-guaso
  3. Good evening. As I promised them, here I bring them a new remix. This time is of Bloody Tears of the Castlevania 4 of the Super. But as it is sad and i do not like, I passed him to greater. Now he sounds happy, like he should be. And so that he hit with the wave, I added him a theme that impassions me: that of the first level of the Truxton, a juegazo of the maquinitas of the '80. Now, like they will see therefore, the notes are more to time, since I learned to do the instruments with the publisher of score of the Cubase. Is good-natured person that publisher. Good, here them abandonment the link to it mentions. http://soundcloud.com/josecito-guadalajara/lagrimas
  4. Very well friends. Thanks by the support. I was reading the guides and, good, I believe therefore that I am improving. Probably tomorrow rise another theme, trying to carry a little better the time and to improve the sounds that use. I descended a pair of VTS with good sounds. One I believe that is called Dimension and the other Sonico Sinth. I believe that they sound pretty. I maintain them to the so much one: D
  5. Good evening. I am new in this forum, as thus also I am new in the composition and remezcla (remixing) of music. I am learning piano and I have descended a software to arrange music with a controller MIDI that I bought me. This it is a remix of a great mentions of the MegaMan 2 of the Family. It is the song of the forest, of Wood Man, or as we would say in Mexico, "El Hombre de Madera". He has not turned out well, but is the best than I have been able to do with my little knowledge of Cubase. I expect in a nearby future to be able to produce better things. I would like to receive opinions on behalf of people qualified, that is why I will put him in Mod Review. Many thanks friends since already. Greetings and hugs! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Link: http://soundcloud.com/josecito-guadalajara/madera Original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1nhkCByv-E
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