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Lucid Eagle

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Posts posted by Lucid Eagle

  1. I have known of OC for some time, signed up since I'm a musician who from time to time plays around with game midi's. I don't plan on releasing any big projects as I work intuitively. Predetermined releases do not mix with this approach. Sometimes I may abandon a track for many years before returning. It all depends on what takes priority of attention. That aside, I will share the remixies that may come along

    Been composing on FL studio for 10 years now, and use it in conjunction with mainly allot of Korg software and a keyboard, I like their gear! they have a global tuner so custom scales are made possible. I am mainly into eastern sounds and love writing and remixing tunes with non-contemporary scales in the genre of World Music: New Age / Orchestral Fantasy (like RPGs), Ethnic Beats, Down tempo, Chill Out...and New Wave Goa-Psychedelic Trance - Slower tempo within the cycles of natural circadian rhythms i.e. below 120bpm and not at the usual 140+ range. I fuse these various genres of interest as well

    I do not use any compression or limiting filters when I master, I sometimes use EQ to create more head room I am a purist where timber dynamics are concerned.

    I write music for pleasures sake and not for selling and making money tho I am open to donations... If a piece is good enough for OC I am happy have someone else do the mastering that may be desired if liked to be released and hosted here as an officially accepted remix.

    being someone who experiences synaesthesia I am able to feel the inaudible tones more than most people and this is something I notice being lacking in modern music tho I didn't have frame of reference for this until I began to re-develope synaesthesia in the last 4 or 5 years (I recall it being the state of being I had as a child.)

    I don't really play games any more but I still remember the musical scores from some of the early 8-32 bit generation.

    If you know of any midi's which would fit into my tastes I would love to have them forwarded to me.

    Some Titles which I am fond of as a reference (tho I didn't play all these games) to what I am looking for are


    the lake shrine,

    meia's dream,

    Inoa Village (if some one has a midi or can transcribe it that would be ace)

    Legend of Dragoon

    Lunar 1 & 2.

    Mystery of Mana

    Some Sonic tunes still catch me today :) like lava reef, and the Chaotix tune from level one

    So basically RPG tunes which Have an Erie mystic or fantastical sort of vibe like Alundra...

    anything that compares with that game is great... thank you Koei Tanaka!


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