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Posts posted by Mortar

  1. 8 hours ago, The Lost OST said:

    First of all, really tight playing, very nice! I'm feeling that heart rate expansive vibe from beginning to end, job well done for sure.
    If I'd have to give some constructive feedback I'd say:
    - The arrangement could do with some more change in dynamics; for example, when the new theme kicks in at 00:53, the rhythm guitars keep bashing on like they did before, but maybe longer strokes rather than staccato hits would bring out the drama of the melody some more by allowing for it to stand out. 2:29 does that very nicely: the rhythm guitar suddenly changes to unison and this contrasts really well with the previous section, making for renewed tension. In general, maybe a bit more contrast between sections in terms of rhythm guitar & drums would benefit the structure of your version. You have to keep the listeners on their toes, they have to crave for the feeling that the next section will bring :)
    - The drums seem to start out of nowhere; a few cursory kick drum hits and bam, full on double bass antics. Actually, the whole dynamics-contrast thing I just touched upon also goes for the drums. Constant double bass and going full out loses its power after a short while. Maybe try experimenting with some different drumming patterns, some half-time riffs, ask a drummer with an electronic drum kit to provide you with some MIDI-files of actual drumming etc.?
    Where the mixing is concerned, the first step would be to create some more clarity and punch by purging most of the bass frequencies. The bass frequencies should be reserved for the kick drum and the bass in this kind of genre, and the guitars should not interfere (as much). As soon as the low end sounds clearer, you'll see that everything will have a lot more punch and impact.

    However, in general I'm really feeling the vibe and digging it! Nice job!

    Some very valid points that I can take into account for my future projects. Thanks!

  2. Holy crap, I went back into my DAW after you said the bass sounds too sharp and apparently I went full moron and set the VST to play a semitone higher for the first minute of the track. I'm glad you caught that, thanks a lot. I reuploaded it so the new version should sound much better (also improved the mix a little).

  3. 12 minutes ago, HankTheSpankTankJankerson said:

    Your bass notes are sharp in the first minute or so, but, that being said, your technique is really on point!  How are you tuning your bottom 2 strings?  I find that if I tune mine 15¢ flat, I get the best results when fretting, because fretting bends the pitch up above desired.  I own an 8 string Ibanez, just to qualify.  Nice metal solo in the final 3rd of the song, buddy.  I know this isn't really the criticism you were looking for, but your cover really struck me, so I thought I would say something.



    Thanks, much appreciated nonetheless! I simply tune my guitar to standard 7-string tuning without tweaking any of the strings. I've been used to playing standard tuning all my life so it works for me and I've never really had any problems with the pitch getting bent up, unless I press it harder than I normally would. Maybe that particular issue is exclusive to the lowest string on an 8-string guitar? It could also just be your string gauge, do you use thicker strings than usual? Anyway, always nice that someone enjoys my music.

  4. So, I know that the production leaves something to be desired. At higher volumes a sort of crackling sound becomes notable. I've tried my best to get rid of it but I couldn't make it disappear completely. I don't think I even limited it too loudly. I'm a novice when it comes to mixing and mastering so if you guys have any tips on how to make the mix sound great even at high volumes, that would be appreciated.

  5. Haha, thanks man. The reason it ends abruptly is because it's going to be part of a medley and the point where it ends is where it should transition into a different song. I didn't want to make it too long for that same reason.

    I would probably play in the middle of the street if it weren't for the fact that I haven't been able to get this one chick out of my head for years now. Oh, well, what can you do, right? :P

    And yeah, I should delve some more into EQing metal tracks. Appreciate the advice.

  6. Thanks. Yeah, the tempo change was intentional. I wanted to pick up the pace a little, maybe it's too abrupt but I liked it that way. As for the length, I am thinking of doing a medley and after this ends I wanted to jump into a different song immediately, which is why it ends so sudden. It doesn't work as well on its own I suppose but I wanted to gauge people's interest in an arrangement like this primarily to see if it's worth doing an entire medley.

    As for the mix, like I said, very inexperienced so your criticism is very welcome. :D

    And yeah, I am a pretty inexperienced composer so it doesn't surprise me that the song structure could be better. Any tips on that are appreciated too.

    Also, that sweep at the beginning was done faster than the rest intentionally. Does it sound weird? I didn't think it would be interpreted as a tempo issue.

  7. In the OP. It's pretty clear that it sounds like he's sharing someone else's work. "You might like this, so here is something I know of."

    Actually, it's not clear he's doing that at all. Never does he say he's sharing someone else's work. I never even interpreted it the way you apparently did.

  8. First off, huge pet peeve of mine and I'm sure many others will agree:

    Don't come onto a forum pretending like you are sharing someone else's work when its your own. A simple registrar lookup blows your cover right out the window.

    That being said it is an interesting release. Not my style but the production seems solid.

    If you want people to be honest with you about your music, you should be honest with them about it as well, don't you think?

    When exactly did he say it's not his own work?

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