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  1. I am currently in development of an internet video series that is mostly game-related. I don't intend to give out information publicly on the nature of these videos because I'm protective, for now. I will, however, discuss them in more detail with the potential remixer/composer who possibly may take this task upon their noble shoulders, if they're curious. It's nothing inappropriate. What I need is very very simple, for the right person. I just need: An 8-bit NES-instrument chiptune remix of Andrew WK's "McLaughlin Groove" (I can provide the MP3 if needed) A single-loop jazzy-elevator music-sounding remix of the SMB1 invincibility theme This adds up to less than 5 minutes of audio total. If a skilled composer would like to do this, let me know. If payment is required, I will select the absolute most reasonable price, I'm not a wealthy man.
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