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Posts posted by BlueMegaMix

  1. First, the good. I enjoyed listening to it, you have some interesting texturing going on in the remix. It has a nice ambiance. :< Aquatic Ambiance is always a good source, no matter how times you here it.

    My other thoughts:

    -the wobble bass is neat, but gets boring pretty quick, not much variation, and by the end the bass just sounds annoying

    -kick does seem to have too much reverb

    -the drums don't have much variation either, it's mostly the same beat over and over again, plus they're too weak for the style you're going for, very generic as well

    -that shaker thing, the one playing in the first 30 seconds or so, in the background seems off, timing wise

    -the whole song is repetitive, not much variation, except for small amount of arrangement, as it is now, the song goes on for too long

    -the bass is a reoccurring issue, it really starts to be a distraction, I suggest manually adjusting its wobble, if you can

    -the ending is kind of abrupt, it could be drawn out more

    -the intro could be extended, I think it could use some more build up, don't be afraid to draw it out, this is trance after all :-)

    This is a fairly good remix, but could be improved. I hope my feedback helps! Keep up the good work!

    Thanks a lot for all the advice. I'm going to give this remix another attempt.

  2. Man I want to remix this one too!

    The mix is not bad at all imo, but the kick has a bit too much verb so a bit of loss of power there. arrangment is pretty close to the source by OCReMixes standards.

    Now you can improve this song by giving the wub a *Tiny* bit of roomy reverb.

    *Some other people can give more input, I just came home tired, but this sound pretty good to me, I really dig this, I would replace this with the original if I was playing the game!

    Thank you for the advice :grin:

  3. This is one of my favourite songs so I had to check this out. It's fantastic, very easy to listen to for long periods of time as well. Good job!


    I really like what you have here, but I feel like you could do a lot more in the 1:57-2:44 section. Essentially, you're playing the chords behind the melody. For variation, you could improvise over that bit to add some originality to it. Other than that, I think it's pretty good.

    Yeah, I probably could have done a little more throughout that section.

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