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Posts posted by zacbentz

  1. 2146435911-1.jpg

    01. Final Fantasy (Prelude)

    02. Metroid (Title) [FREE]

    03. Castlevania (Wicked Child)

    04. Dragon Quest (Chateau Ladutorm)

    05. The Legend of Zelda (Title)

    Hi all. I've got a new album of classic NES cover songs out called NEScapism. You can listen to it all and get a free track here.

    This is a collection of songs that really mesmerized me from the very first time I heard them. I'd just let the songs loop over and over without caring what was happening on the screen. So I hope I was able to convey that feeling with these covers.

    The main synth source was Animoog, an iOS app, as well as a little Sunrizer. The drums are all DM1. I was going for a very retro/sci-fi/Vangelis kind of vibe and I think all of these were the prefect fit.

    If you like this, I also have an album of all original material called Assassin that you can find in the discography as well. Thanks!

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