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  1. Hi everybody. I'm very interested in composing music for the "old" yamaha synth ym3812, also known as opl2 or "adlib". As you might konw, there was an awesome software called "loudness sound system" which was used to create tyrian music, and some other cool tunes for "Dig It!", and "fuzzy's world" back in the 90's. I'm looking for the original software (tracker), so I ended up here, because I read an old post, in which Alexander Brandon talked about it. I understand there was still some software and even the source code,( which was used to create a "loudness" player for adplug plugin) so I hope somebody could know something more about it. I also found Alexander on facebook, I'm waiting for an answer, and I thought this web would be the best place to talk about it. The YM3812 was not treated very well, so it would be cool to resurrect this loudness software, as it made this chip really good. Thanks.
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