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Posts posted by CanofNothing

  1. Basically, I think whatever works for you and your workflow is the DAW for you - no need to argue on a 'master race' or anything like that, just something you know inside-out and love to use. In that sense, mine would be Acoustica Mixcraft. I've been trying to get into Cockos REAPER, but I'd have to say, Mixcraft, due to me having worked with it for a year now, has to be my more preferred program.

  2. I've been working on a remix for SpacemanStrife and Galaxytrail's Freedom Planet indie game - I've decided to take a slightly Sonic-y approach, while adding my stylistic touches as well. I'm a bit afraid whether I stayed too close to the original track or not, but I'll let you guys be the judge.

    It's my first experiment with REAPER - as a result, it took much longer than it should, but I think it was a good step in getting used to it.

    Here's the remix in question.

  3. Hi, I'm pretty new to this site, and I've just started working on my profile - But there was one thing that got me stuck - The Primary DAW of choice option.

    My primary DAW for composition and arrangement alike is Mixcraft - now, don't get started, I know it's often referred to as GarageBand for Windows and the beginners' DAW, I know I'll never get too far in it and I'll eventually have to change ship and I know that I'm a 'OMG n00b u must die', but for now, I've gotten used and grown to it, and it's my favorite. (also my current computer can't run SONAR but that's another story) However, it shocked me when I found out that there wasn't an option for Mixcraft (and GarageBand, but considering that Mixcraft isn't in, the lack of GarageBand isn't too surprising.) Given, I do use FL Studio every now and then, (especially when I need/want a pitchbend of more than 2 semitones) but I just don't use it enough for it to be considered as my primary DAW.

    I'm pretty sure some others have some other programs that they mainly use that aren't in the list, like Renoise, OpenMPT and GarageBand, so it'd be nice if the staff here were kind enough as to add in more programs or to add a custom option where we can type in our DAW's name!

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