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Everything posted by Badliz

  1. And here's the mastered version, enjoy! http://youtu.be/oqZLWolF82I
  2. Hello there guys, it's me Badliz! Long time no see and I'm here with a new piece. This is my third attempt of a remix(there are two in my Youtube channel) of this awesome song. It is not yet mastered. https://soundcloud.com/badliz/nes-batman-stage-4 What do you think? Enjoy, Badliz
  3. https://soundcloud.com/badliz/powerwhelming And published in Bandcamp. https://badliz.bandcamp.com/ Enjoy!
  4. Here, it is done. Now I'd love to ask a mod to review my remix of this awesome song from an awesome game before I'm even thinking about posting it to OCR. Remix: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/817678/deusexunatco2o.mp3 Original: Have a nice listening!
  5. Changed the suggested sub bass to something a bit different. What do you guys think? https://dl.dropbox.com/u/817678/deusexunatco2n.mp3
  6. Thank you, I'll see what I can do.
  7. How do you like me now?! https://dl.dropbox.com/u/817678/deusexunatco2m.mp3
  8. Thanks for such a nice and fast feedback, I'll check it out. Appreciated!
  9. Hello there guys, it's me Ma-- BadLiZ! I'm here once again trying to achieve something and I want You to listen to my latest project. I really want Overclocked Remix finally accept at least one song made by me and it's up to you guys. Without your feedback, I can't do it. Enjoy! https://dl.dropbox.com/u/817678/deusexunatco2l.mp3
  10. Hello there guys, it's me BadLiZ again. Another project going on and I'd like to hear your feedback on this or these: Like the title says, it's a introduction song from Turrican II https://dl.dropbox.com/u/817678/turrican5p.mp3(latest) & https://dl.dropbox.com/u/817678/turrican5oa.mp3 Which one sounds better and which one needs fixing, etc? Sincerely, BadLiZ
  11. Aaaaand it's finished, enjoy! Source: Remix: sincerely, BadLiZ
  12. Hello there guys once again! Another project up and going. Tell me what do you think and of course, enjoy! https://dl.dropbox.com/u/817678/dune1o.mp3 BadLiZ
  13. Thanks man, I do appreciate feedback a lot. I know one thing this needs, more cowbell!
  14. Source: Remix: have a nice listening! BadliZ
  15. - Thanks, few minor things changed & added and I'm happy so far. - I've now changed it a bit, changed velocity down to 64(was 127) and panning up to 22(was 0) and keeping stereo width same(127). Just tell me if it still needs changing. - I kept fade-out still on but it's lengthier than previous one. - Thanks, very much appreciated, keep 'em coming! Oops! Almost forgot! https://dl.dropbox.com/u/817678/deusexunatco2h.mp3 https://dl.dropbox.com/u/817678/deusexunatco2h.aac BadliZ
  16. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/817678/deusexunatco2g.mp3 https://dl.dropbox.com/u/817678/deusexunatco2g.aac Feedback is welcome!
  17. Hello there guys, this is Badliz yet again with a new project. It's from Deus Ex and it's called UNATCO, Enjoy. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/817678/deusexunatco2f.mp3 https://dl.dropbox.com/u/817678/deusexunatco2f.aac Badliz
  18. Can also be found from Soundcloud http://soundcloud.com/badliz/deus-ex-title-badliz-remix Enjoy!
  19. Bumping for ze great justice! https://dl.dropbox.com/u/817678/deusextitle2z.mp3 Changes so far compared to version Y: - Volume - Panning - Added few more instruments - etc. Have a nice listening!
  20. Thank you very much for this quite fast reply, especially from a moderator. I appreciate it a lot and I'm trying to find a way/ways to improve this current project of mine. It's great to hear there's something good in it and I love making orchestral music, although I'm not that good in it, yet. OH! Here's an update! https://dl.dropbox.com/u/817678/deusextitle2y.mp3
  21. Hello there guys, first time here! My name is BadLiZ, I'm here to present you my current project. As the title is saying, it's about Original Deus Ex Title. And here's the link https://dl.dropbox.com/u/817678/deusextitle2x.mp3 Still Work-in-Progress because I want to be sure it's really ready with everything fixed. All I'm asking is some feedback, any ideas to fix thing or two and recommendations, enjoy! sincerely, BadLiZ
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