Hi All, not sure if there is a better way to share this but here is a listing of my all-time favourite OCRemix tracks - collected from various playlists over the years. There may be some non-OCRemix tracks in there and some of the titles might be a bit screwy, sorry.
There are currently ~350 but I'm adding to this all the time from listening to the 1700 tracks from the torrent in shuffle mode and discovering new gems.
When I look back, I started out building my own compendiums of favourite tracks which I used to record in realtime on MDLP MiniDisc back in 2000, then I went through various iPods and mp3 players and these days I use a Sansa Clip+. Maybe once a year get the urge to craft a MiniDisc once again (then I remember how much of a PITA it is compared to drag-and-drop with the Sansa Clip and it goes back into the attic for another year)
$ grep EXTINF ocremix-all-time-faves.m3u | cut -d, -f2 | sort -u | wc -l 350