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  1. Thanks for the constructive criticism and I'm glad you enjoyed the track I guess some people aren't used to wide stereo wobbles, the few millisecond delay on one channel will throw some of you off. I feel you on the snare drum, the low end could be trimmed a bit more or perhaps re-pitched. Punchier drums? why not! I think it's funny to gripe about repetitiveness when it comes to video game music but hell, we all have ADHD I understand that some composers around here like to get really abstract with their remixes, and that's awesome, but shouldn't always be the goal. Thanks again for the comments everyone
  2. More of an update of the nostalgic title theme from the NES Metroid, I figure someone might enjoy a listen. ZaGa - Metroid (D&B Remix)
  3. Shoot, my bad, not sure how to fix the thread title. The source is indeed Chrono Trigger for the SNES. EDIT: Figured it out. I did sample the original SNES track for the sake of nostalgia, however I bolstered it with a sample modelled trumpet synth, and of course fattened the two up with a compressor/limiter.
  4. I've found lots of cool mixes on OCR, figured I would share something in return. soundcloud.com/masterdjzaga/zaga-gato
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