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Posts posted by IceFlame

  1. Could be that the new version of GB uses a different folders for its stuff. Why it isn't backwards-comptible is beyond me, but try installing those same .cst files and other stuff to whatever new folders a quick google finds you.

    That's the thing, I already have :/

    Almost all the ones I've found say to put the .CST files into

    (User) Library/Application Support/Garageband/Instrument Library/Sampler/Sampler Instruments

    which is where all mine were put for the previous version of the OS.

  2. I recently upgraded from OSX Leopard to OSX Snow Leopard.

    This summer I wanted to compose a song for my girlfriend, but GarageBand 08's software instrument offerings are...quite paltry and too narrow. I found some sites that offer custom .CST instrument files, but despite "proper" installation GarageBand only read a few. They worked, though, and quite well at that.

    A few weeks ago I upgraded to Snow Leopard.

    Now GarageBand will not read ANY of the custom instruments, nor does it allow me to manually set any sound banks.

    Under the Software Instrument > Details, Instrument Generator: DLSMusicDevice > Manual, I used to be able to browse for a new Sound Bank. After the upgrade, the Sound Bank dropdown is grayed out and set to QuickTime Music Synthesizer.

    This applies to ALL software instruments, both defaults and custom.

    Does anyone here happen to know what happened/what I should do?

    I have some ideas for game song remixes and am noting them down using the Grand Piano default track, but GB's instrument offerings are too pop/jazzy for my liking and don't work for what I have in mind.

    Thanks in advance!


    Heh. Hi.

    I'm IceFlame, amateur gamer/game designer and artist/writer. Also a bit of a music enthusiast. Mostly active on deviantART and Comic Dish.

    I've been listening to OC Remixes for about 4 years now, most of them without even knowing it due to them being ripped and mis-titled on music streaming sites. I was quite excited this week when I started browsing more deeply through OCR's game lists and found most of my old favorites!

    I've played around with music here and there for a long time, I've almost always got music in my head, be it snippets of real songs or ditties off the top of my head (being ADHD my mind never rests x-x ).

    But, I've never really had much formal music training.

    Guess that kinda invalidates me being here xD;

    I've messed around with Anvil Studio and I've made a few "remixes" of my own, copy-pasting MIDI pieces together from VGMusic.com, usually just choosing different instruments to make things sound cooler. Now that I work on a Mac I've been fiddling in GarageBand and managed to halfbutt an original song for my girlfriend...music came out okay, my voice not so much.

    Been considering going back to college for music, or culinary arts, one of the two. I can't read music, the extent of my sheet-music reading is general knowledge of the whereabouts of a note and moving up/down in relation to how far up/down the next note is.

    Technology tends to hate me and not work the way it does for others so...I might have a lot of "stupid" questions and/or "derp" moments when asking here about stuff ^^; sorry in advance if I pull a stupid.

    My music preferences lie along orchestral (like Fantasia/Fantasia 2000), "epic" music like the stuff used for trailers, and various videogame tracks, especially Zelda and FF7. Maybe a bit of techno here and there but not too heavy on the metal and wubwub.

    POINT BEING hopefully I can learn more here than I've been learning on my own. I have some ideas for game remixes, just not the technical or musical knowhow for pulling it off in a somewhat decent fashion.

    And thus I stalk off to lurk upon the forum's offered resources.

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