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Posts posted by Redimus

  1. I hate to do this but...

    Let me start by saying I've been a long time fan of OCR. It's been my home page for nearly a decade, I seed both torrents constantly, I download all the songs as I see them come out on the front page, and all and all I probably have three or four copies of the collection strewn about on hard drives and flash drives.

    So yeah. Huge fan. Have been since my best friend introduced me to the site by saying his favorite band is Children of the Monkey Machine and linked me to Eutopia Pegasi.

    That said I heard a song recently while leaving the playlist on random as I tend to do and the collection has gotten so huge I am having a terrible time finding it again.

    I wouldn't have bothered the forums with this if I hadn't already done everything else I could think of short of listening to the entire collection one song at a time. Including exhaustive searches on google for both the phrase "drop it", female vocals, vocals in general since most of the songs are entirely instrumental, and going through a forum search list of topics regarding songs with female vocals. All to no avail.


    I'm looking for a song I heard recently.

    It's a calm, quiet song filled with a woman vocalizing. The only other descritpor is that towards the end there's a short voice clip of a man saying "drop it". I can't find it. Any help is appreciated.

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