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Everything posted by IanMrJones

  1. Nah man, email me, and I'll send you the stems or acapellas...
  2. Yes.... The title says it all, although it isn't video game related... It will be fun to make... I am a producer, and I'm looking for people to remix LP tracks for this volume... I have about 4 tracks done.. Points of Authority Victimized The Catalyst and Blackout... I have all the stems, multi tracks, and acapellas... Email me at. If anyone is interested in creating an original mix for the 50 track volume... here is the list of songs to choose from... Bleed It Out Burn It Down Burning In The Skies Crawling Given Up In The End Iridescent Leave Out All The Rest Lost In The Echo No More Sorrow Numb One Step Closer Pushing Me Away Somewhere I Belong The Messenger Waiting For The End What I've Done Wretches and Kings Castle of Glass Forgotten High Voltage I'll Be Gone In My Remains Lies Greed Misery Lying From You New Divide Numb/Encore A Place For My Head Powerless Roads Untraveled Skin To Bone Until It Breaks We Made It When They Come For Me X-Ecutioner Style
  3. Actually... Good idea. I know what you mean, We can make a different intro, and we'll change Song of Storms with Stone Tower Temple. Email me!
  4. Hi, my name is Ian Jones, I'm a producer. I've decided to take up making a Majora's Mask Remix Extended Play, 6 tracks. I. Intro II. Stone Tower Temple III. Song of Healing IV. The Final Day V. Majora's Incarnate VI. Outro The genre's I want to cover are intense. I really want to work on a metal infused hip hop version of a song. A glitch/trap/dubstep mix. Electronic stuff, orchestral stuff. It's out there, but I wanna begin this project, It would literally be sweet if I could get this done. Anyone wanna help me remix these tracks? If you're interested, I have a skype @ t2unemanxI or you can email me at TheIanJones@gmail.com
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