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Quart de Carton

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Posts posted by Quart de Carton

  1. Since I recently accidentaly deleted most of my most recent projects (I sent them by mistake to the trash can, had to take a phone call, then I had to stay outside for a while, I forgot about it all, went back home, then erased the content of my trash can, only to realise a split second later what I had just done. It was fairly comical to be honest. Most of it was just training stuff though, so it's no big deal.) I was forced to go onto a new project.

    I took one of my favorite OSTs ever (Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, for the Gamecube), and decided to try to remix one of its tracks. I ended up chosing the boss battle theme, "Monster's Dance ~Rondo~", which is pretty cool.

    It's still in the work, but I like where I'm going with it, so far. Basically, it's a piano arrangement, but a bit more "personal". (Also, again, I don't play the piano, so it's all note by note, I'm not entirely sure if it's fit to actually be played, but nevermind.)

    The final version should, I think, last from 1 to 2 minutes more than the current version.

    Here's the original :

    And here's my remix : https://www.box.com/s/7jo8ybyg5gxmbxsze92z

    Some feedback would be most welcome !

  2. Oh man that notation is awful. XD But I'll work with it! The MIDI sure does help. Mind if I mess around with a lot of the bassline? The arpeggios aren't really working so well in areas like the beginning so I might have to add a little more interest in there. :P

    Ah, I guess it was bound to happen xD

    So, yeah, of course, go ahead^^

  3. Here's my most recent attempt at making a decent remix !

    It's a remix of

    , from Super Mario 64.

    > https://www.box.com/s/mdodj98u08bczbhqfkro

    Since my orchestral soundfonts are, sadly, not realistic enough, I tried to do something more synthetic instead.

    It's still in it's "early developement" stage though, so it's quite short, clearly unfinished and, I think, feels a little rushed at times.

    Some feedback would be most welcomed !

    EDIT :

    > v2 : https://www.box.com/s/v6ohoba0uqmikjdt5vec

  4. If you'd like, I could work on this. :3 I'm fairly sure I could string together recordings to get a nice whole one. If you could send me a link to download the MIDI file (and possibly the sheet music as well) I could get started. :D

    Oh, cool :D ! (I'm happy now !)

    Here's a rar archive with the midi plus the sheet music (hopefully it got translated correctly) :


    If something sounds too weird or is impossible to play on an actual piano, let me know and I'll try to fix it o/

  5. Hoy.

    Here's the thing. I love writing piano arrangements.

    But I don't play the piano.

    As a result, I often end up getting stuck at the step where I realise how unsurprisingly unsatisfying an arrangement sounds when it's simply played using a free piano soundfont (which is the only thing I can afford really).

    So... hey ! I was wondering, would anyone here be interested in playing them (and probably "play test" them a little... again, I don't play the piano, so there might be an impossible-thing-to-do or two in there...) ?

    Currently, and since I recently lost a good part of my previous computer's files, I only got two of them left.

    Here's one of them, entitled "A Flight of Fantasies", because "I dunno lol" felt quite lame, essentially :


    It's pretty much just a direct rendition of the arrangement with a few adjustments to make it sound a tad bit more "natural" though.

    If I recall correctly, there are bits of the following tracks in it, some of them appearing only quite briefly :

    "Spread Your Wings", from The Last Story

    "Midna's Lament", from The Legend of Zelda : Twilight Princess

    "A Fleeting Dream", from Final Fantasy X

    "Vector to the Heavens", from Kingdom Hearts : 358/2 Days

    "Aria di Mezzo Carattere", from Final Fantasy VI

    "FINAL FANTASY XIII ~ The Promise" from Final Fantasy XIII

    "Ordon Ranch", from The Legend of Zelda : Twilight Princess

    "Main Theme", from The Legend of Zelda

    "Wild Battle", from Pokemon Red/Blue (I... think ? I can't remember if I arranged it that way or if it's taken from another Wild Battle.)

    Plus a few "hints at other stuff" here and there.

    The other arrangement is a mix of "Near the Water" and "The Garamsythe Waterway" from Final Fantasy XII, if you're wondering.

    I can provide a midi file or a score of the arrangement (if the software I just found does translate midi to sheet music correctly), if you want.

    So if anyone's interested, please let me now !

    (If you simply want to tell what you think about the track itself as it is, go ahead too of course !)

  6. Haha, oud. Gotta love typos that spell a new real word.

    Woops x)

    So, since I couldn't find better free violin soundfonts/vst, I tried changing the instruments, in a way that their synthtetic nature would not interfere too much with the track.

    Overall, I think I kind of screwed up... plus I only now realize that one the soundfonts I used was badly recorded (there's a bit of white noise, mostly at the beginning).

    I tried adding a few things here and there, too.

    Anyway, here's the new version :


    I'm heavily considering the possibility of simply letting that one go and move on to a new project though :S

    EDIT : I'm encoding another version, with different filters and EQ parameters. It sounds quite different and seems to be somewhat better, but maybe it's just me.

    I'll upload it when it's done.

    EDIT2 : There it is : https://www.box.com/s/myz27mdo923t5fb65h7e

  7. Thanks for the feedback !


    I'm still really unexeperimented when it comes to sound mastering and this kind of stuff, so it might explain some of what you pointed oud. I'll try working on that aspect though.

    For 2:08, it's actually made on purpose. Does it sound that bad ?

    2:28 > Same thing, I wanted to announce the break by using "strange", unnatural harmonies.

    2:34 > I'll see what I can do !

    For the volume thing, yeah, I see what you mean.

    I actually made the track while using my "hyper bass" headphones, when I listened to the track normally afterwards, it did sound very low, and some instruments can barely be heard sometimes.

    I was also planning on working on the velocity. I did a few things about it here and there, but it was quite a superficial change.

    The only real issue would be the soundfonts I guess. I think/hope the piano is good enough, but the strings do sound really synthetic... I was thinking of using a plugin, but most of the free ones aren't that realistic sounding either...

    I'll see if I can do something about it.

    EDIT : AngelCityOutlaw > Sorry, I posted before I noticed your post.

    I also think adding more percussions would be a good idea ! As for the emptiness, I'll definitely look into it. It was one of the things I really wasn't that happy about, too.

    Thanks for your help !

  8. Here's a remix I've been working on for a while now.

    And I most certainly need some feedback.


    The tracks is untitled "Come What May", the remix includes parts from :

    - Journey's soundtrack main motif (if I had to give a specific track, I guess I'd say "I Was Born For This", composed by Austin Wintory, which inspired me the idea of the remix)


    - Final Fantasy XIII-2's "Yeul's Theme", composed by Naoshi Mizuta


    - Final Fantasy VIII's "Blue Fields", composed by Nobuo Uematsu


    - Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix/Birth by Sleep's "Fate of the Unknown" (I feel like associating the track with Birth by Sleep would me more logical and meaningful though)

    => http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMC7qtC_G4w

    I made it with FL Studio and a few free soundfonts I found here and there.

    And... well I think that's all the relevant stuff I can think of !

    EDIT :

    v2 : https://www.box.com/s/jbwf5vt58cxczrjw4gx1

    v2alt : https://www.box.com/s/myz27mdo923t5fb65h7e

    ... =/

  9. Hi !

    So... hum... yeah. Hello everybody, I'm Quart de Carton. I'm 21, and I'm French, so I may or may not do a few mistakes here and there. However, if this happens, please, do point it out : I am currently studying in a university in order to obtain an English Language, Litterature and Civilisation degree. And I'm on my third and final year, so making a dumb mistake can be a problem, even if it's a common one.

    Now that that's said, I've been quite the frequent visitor of this website for several years (actually since I discovered this website back when I was about 12 or something). And, well, I'm a fan. I'm definitively a fan. Not of everything, of course, but both the concept and the overall level of quality of the remixes one can find on this website are admirable. So yeah, there is that.

    The thing is, I've been doodle-deedling around with the whole "making music and remixes with your computer" for quite a while now. I started out with Melody Assistant. A nice software but... quite limited. It was fun, and I learned a thing or two, but it was mostly just me experimenting with basic composition stuff. Quite recently, since last year in fact, I started using FL Studio. And it's a LOT better. Yeah.

    Still though, I'm quite the beginner. And I make a lot of mistakes. I only know the basics of solfège, and I don't play any live instrument. I've always wanted to learn to play the piano, but piano lessons tend to be very expensive. Same thing with renting a piano. And my family never was really wealthy nor interested enough to allow me to do so. I had the occasion to take guitar lessons, but as much as I love the sound of the instrument, it really just wasn't my thing. I still plan to learn the piano though, one day, when I'll be in a situation more suitable to do so. Therefore... yeah, right now I'm kinda stuck with note-to-note, by ear composition. But hey, that's cool enough.

    As I said though, I'm just starting out. I've only been "serious" about trying to make music decent enough to be listened to for less than a year now. I do need constructive feedback if I want to get better, and it's hard to find any around me.

    So... here I am !

    I'll soon post my currently only remix work worthy of anyone's time (at least I hope so) as a WIP project, so if you have some time to kill, go check it out ! It would make me all kinds of happy.

    Well not all kinds but...


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