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Everything posted by Soundwaveification

  1. There are loading times in FFIX??? I hope this is a joke.
  2. So uh.. how is the album coming along? The artworks done?
  3. I refuse to believe those words!!
  4. So uh... End of January is coming up. What's the overall status?
  5. So whats left after selecting the artwork? Release?
  6. Late April will be just in time for my birthday. Now that will be ideal!
  7. Still hoping for a miracle here
  8. We all are still waiting for the release.
  9. So.. 2 months later. Any update on the release? Pretty please?
  10. Waiting a while? Its 4 years!
  11. ummmm an update on the album for this month would be nice..
  12. So whats the status of the album? like overall progress/evaluation as of now?
  13. Really hoping this is done this year..
  14. making me even more excited for this. COME ON RELEASE IT ALREADY PLEASE.
  15. Here's hoping too. You're not alone. eh?
  16. so we expect this album out this month right?
  17. so it is almost a month of evaluation.. a tiny update on that front page will totally satisfy me, at least for a while. cant say the same for everyone else.
  18. So its done already right? What are we waiting on?
  19. Oh gosh please be released soon...
  20. Ooooh Disc 4 is complete...
  21. Sooooo when is this done? i cannot wait another year... Whose genius idea is it to re-remix the album? D:
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