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Desert Eskimo

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Posts posted by Desert Eskimo

  1. I'm a bit in the same boat. One of my first rules for things like this has been to learn the hotkeys and practice switching between menus and things like that quickly. Saving time on things that aren't writing music frees you up to write music.

    I only just bought the basic version of FL so I'm not the best person to ask about stuff, but I AM having fun and I'm starting to see the value/power of its interface. I'm a little intimidated by the prospect of going over everything to add dynamics and nuance once my first whole song is complete though. I'm only used to writing simple stuff for keyboard, multi-instrument writing is a bigger endeavor with a lot of choices to make.

  2. I really liked it. A major component of games that use either long exploration or trial/error (for me, anyhow) is a soundtrack that I can listen to on loop for a long time without getting tired of it. Music in games like VVVVVV help keep me from getting frustrated and keeped me pumped, but this kind of song would definitely keep me intrigued and excited to explore.

  3. Hey there friends; I've been listening to OCR for nearly 10 years now, and I'm finally into making music of my own. I'm still a beginner learning the basics of stuff like Fruity Loops and my grasp on composition and performance is shaky. But I've loved games and the remixes that come out of this site for so long, I wanted to finally dip my feet in and participate somehow. After writing a short song for as part of a wedding gift to a friend, I thought I'd try and find some music I liked, and see what I could do about arranging it.

    I'm looking forward to being an active part of this community after being a passive one for a long time :smile:

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