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Posts posted by Sixtywatt

  1. @Rakuko

    Thanks a bunch, really cleared things up. You're awesome :)

    EDIT: I've been pouring over the lyrics and a few details still elude me. So let me see if I have this straight.

    Draco loves Maria (Pretty obvious)

    Unfortunately Maria's brothers don't like it too much (due to some family rivalry I'm assuming)

    So after finding this out Maria's brothers hunt Draco down with the intent to beat the crap out of him (If not kill him)

    In the fight Maria gets stabbed (This is where I get a little fuzzy, does Draco stab her accidentally?)

    And now the gang is out to really kill Draco and he's prepared to die having lost the love of his life (and potentially being the cause of that)

  2. Heyo, long time listener, first time poster... I think... if I've posted before on another account then it was a long time ago and I've totally forgotten.

    So first off... One of the best songs I've ever heard in my life. I would dare say it surpasses Bohemian Rhapsody if the legendary Freddie Mercury weren't so freaking legendary. So I'll have to settle with a very well deserved tie in my book.

    The second thing I have to say though may make me come off as being dumber than a bag of rocks and for that I apologize. I'm having trouble determining which characters are speaking and keeping the scenario straight in my head. If someone could help me out it would only further increase my enjoyment of the song. Again I'm sorry if this makes me sound dumb but I typically have trouble with interpretation.

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