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Posts posted by ptto911

  1. Hey guys!

    So I took the Star Fox theme from the "Star Fox Zero | Introducing Star Fox" trailer, and completely re-orchestrated it!

    So now you can listen to it without sound effects (haha)!

    I absolutely love this version of the piece, and did my best to recreate every nuance, listening carefully to uncover everything (hard to do with all of the sound effects in the trailer!)

    I hope you enjoy it! :)


    Original video:


  2. My friend and co-artist Synx and I decided to make a song together inspired by "The Legendary Hero" from Wind Waker. As soon as the song was done, the E3 trailer for The Wind Waker HD was released. I decided to create my own version of the trailer with our version. Here is our product:

    If you haven't seen the original E3 trailer, you should probably watch that first. Anyways, I hope you enjoy it! The full song will be coming out soon.

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