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Posts posted by TooCoolForSchool

  1. I appreciate your sensitive ears. To tell you the truth, this was rerecorded many, many times and any muddy sound is ENTIRELY the fault of my cheap equipment and not my mixing abilities as these are all recordings of actual instruments, and I can not yet afford a three thousand dollar amp. So it's one bass, one guitar, one $200 amplifier and a $50 dollar mic. I even sent all the tracks to a professional mixing and mastering engineer and he couldn't do any better. In fact the quality as it is now is only as good as it is because it is very well mixed.

    And as it is a remix of a video game soundtrack, and a very simple one at that, it was supposed to be somewhat repetitive to retain the charm of the original. The bridge I invented and I changed the timing of the rhythm four times throughout the song.

    And as far as the soloing goes, I'm a speed metal guitarist, it's my thing. So it's simply supposed to be an amped up, much less monotonous, much less repetitive metal version without getting to far from being a rad, slightly repetitive videogame soundtrack which is what makes the Tetris theme so cool to begin with.

    So I agree completely. I argued with myself for weeks over how much to change and how far away from the original I wanted to wander, and this is where I ended up.

    Thanks for the feedback! :D

  2. Hey, guys. I'm a guitarist and a long time fan of OCRemix, I made this song hoping to submit it. I did submit it and it either didn't get to the judges or it was completely ignored. Which sucks because I've been waiting months checking it practically every day hoping to see it go up and see what everyone had to say about it. I hate my life. :(

    Anyway, hope you guys like it.


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