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Posts posted by ClockworkMonday

  1. Um, hello, I'm Ana. I'm 21, but I don't look it (People say I look like I'm in junior high). I've been a gamer since I was a small child, and I love music. My musical abilities are... awful, actually. I can play a little bit of piano, but not much. I'm better at singing, I guess. My real skill lies in art and writing. My favorite kinds of games are JRPGs, Metroidvania-style games, wide open sandbox games (Minecraft style, not GTA style), and platformers. As for what kind of music I like... I like almost everything. I do not like rap, country, disco, or jazz, though there are a few rap songs I do like (they're all game-related).

    I'm kind of shy (to the point that it took me a week to muster up enough bravery to actually post an introduction). I've played a lot of obscure games and indie games, and I'm a fountain of knowledge about the subjects. In fact, I'm working on an indie game of my own. ...at least, that's what I tell people. Really, all I'm doing is designing the characters and writing the story, knowing that the project will never get off the ground without a proper team. The formation of a proper team is prevented by my aforementioned shyness. I also tend to type the way I talk, using more words than necessary, going off on tangents, and generally being a nuisance with my mannerisms. I love humor, especially if it's silly. However, I strongly dislike parodies, as they rarely show any respect at all to their subject.

    Please do not ask me to join you in an MMO, as I don't want to go near those at all. I will, however, be your friend on Steam.

    I strongly dislike conflict, and if an argument breaks out, I'll probably be the first one out of there. I try to find the good in nearly everything, which is why you'll sometimes see me say something like "Oh, I don't particularly care for that game, but I do like ____.".

    I've been visiting OCR for years, and only recently was convinced to join. I'm especially excited for the Final Fantasy IX album, and for the rest of the Final Fantasy V remix project. Once those are out, all my favorite Final Fantasies will have remix albums. (4, 6, 9, 5, and 7, in case you were wondering. If you try to start an argument about them, I will ignore you.)

    I've gone to ConnectiCon for three years in a row. Yes, I cosplayed. No, it wasn't anything special. White Mage the first two years, Derpy Hooves from MLP this year. It's amazing how you can dress as one of the iconic character classes from a reasonably popular game series and get absolutely no attention, then dress as a cartoon character from a show that's either love it or hate it, and have people walk up to you and hug you, ask for photos, high-five you, etc. It really was a surreal experience...

    Oh wow this was a long post. Sorry about that...

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