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Posts posted by shorty


    Is what I would say if I only had one word, but you can't stop there! Out of the gate the guitar and the harmonica (axe, to DJP) take some deep cleaves into you, and that's a cut you can live with. The mix starts to drive and before you know it, you hear that familiar melody (whistled) of the most enigmatic and foreboding character of FFVI, Shadow. At 0:59 the drums back off and the bass goes out queuing the strings pick up and lead the way, lulling you into a false sense of assurance for a brief moment before picking back up at 1:15 to drive back into the fray of instrumentation culminating at 1:23, a worthy play for any assassin and his newly earned nickel! The mix changes up at 1:39, and well, for quite a while playing on all the things you felt and heard from it up to this point. At 2:16 you think it's going to go back into the melody, but makes a very nice change (I actually didn't like it at first) until around 2:30 where the song leads you calmly back down, almost reminding you that this is Shadow, and there will be no rest until the job is done. And 2:37 is that reminder that the job is not, in fact, done. The signature melody comes back out, looming over, building triumphantly over and through 3:01 until its finish, displaying Shadow as superior rogue victor once again, faithful Interceptor at his side, disappearing into the unknown once more (que sunset?).

    I've browsed this site much over the years, I've appreciated so many from so far. The talent that these artists and so many others have that I've heard here is nothing short of astonishing. But this, this was the one that broke me to sign up and post. This is a wonderful work of art in music. I rarely (read, don't) stand and applaud, as is such common practice today, but to this, I do.

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