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Posts posted by GamewolfNordic

  1. Chrysalium Core is a fantasy rpg set in the world of Anga, a steampunk inspired world where chrysalium, a very unique kind of crystal has revolutionized the world. By letting people move and store energy created by engines, technology took a giant leap in every possible way. However, the crystals also paved the way for destruction as the different nations soon started fighting over the crystal mines resulting in a world wide war which left most of Anga in ruins.

    As if the destruction itself wasn’t enough, it was soon discovered that the massive amounts of uncontrolled energy released by the crystals as they were used in weapons, had affected nature itself. Animals and plants alike changed, many became ferocious and dangerous creatures.

    Now forced to take to the peaks of the mountains and even to the sky itself, the people of Anga united once more.

    Chrysalium Core is a game which is being developed by Gamewolf Nordic and will be free once it is released. It’s a game made by gamers, for gamers. For more information and to download our newly released demo, click the link below to go to our website. Or if you are just to eager to try out our game, click the adfly link under the website link!



    Now, every good game needs some good music right? and since none of us here at Gamewolf Nordic are capable of doing that, we are looking for people here at OcRemix instead, as we have seen how much, no wait i mean, heard how much talent there is in the music on OcRemix, we are hoping that people will be intrested in becoming part of Chrysalium Core and fill it with their awesome music. Our estimated release date is somewhere around the end of august to mid september, so of course we understand that one person can’t do all the music. Instead, everyone that want’s to contribute in some way are more than welcome.

    some pieces of music we are going to need.

    One or more battle themes

    One or more boss themes

    A thick and hostile jungle theme

    A pirate theme

    A desert complete with sandstorm theme

    Some different city themes

    A hostile controlled mine shaft theme

    More fitting intro background music

    A main/title theme

    and more will probably be needed as development continues. if you are interested then just start creating and mail it to it to us when it’s finished. Don’t forget to also write what name you want us to credit in the game, cause even if the game is released for free and probably won’t generate any large amount of income, everybody that in some way contributes to the game will of course be credited and thanked for helping us at Gamewolf Nordic in developing this game.

    If you want more information about the project in someway, or just wanna tell us that you are working/finished with a piece of music, send us an email at gamewolfnordic@gmail.com

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