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Posts posted by marclar83

  1. Man, I've been looking for SHMUP work like this for a while now, but it's sort of indie industry practice to be weary of employers wanting to use your music commercially while not offering any money for them at the same time.

    I assume that's why you were using the phrase "donations", you were looking for artists to give out already made tracks as opposed to working for free - which can be more reasonable.

    Are you taking on multiple artists for this soundtrack or how are you doing that?

    Hi, Meteo Xavier, of course I don't want people to work for free; it's slavery! :tomatoface: What I'm asking like you figured is for people who already have tracks they would like to hear in a game (which by the way will be 8-OFREE:-P and available on iOS, Android, OUYA and PC/Mac/Linux).

    At this point my personal funds are minus few grans, because I have paid every licenses from my own pocket so far, and now it funding time on kickstarter.

    If I get my money, I'm going to offering something to people who's tracks I'm gonna use.

    But since kickstarter can't promise anything until the project in funded or not, I have to ask for donations so people won't expect a pay check to arrive for the tracks they send.

    I have set a custom email for the occasion so I won't lose track of the authors and eventually if everything goes the way I want, I'll reward people who participates.

    Like you said I'm not interested in people working for me for free, just works already made that you'll think you be great with a SHUMUP (Shoot-em up for those who aren't familiar with the term.) ;-)

  2. Hi remixers around the globe, my name is Marc-Andre and I'm a videogame developer making a Retro style LCD Game and I need some music for both the in-game music and the promotional video on Kickstarter and we need your 8/16-bit style music donations.

    The game is a retro side-scrolling 2D shooter like Gradius or R-type. We're looking at music that sounds a like that:

    That's great but what is up for me?

    We're going to include and display the title of the song, artist/band name, and a thumbnail of their album/single cover art when a new song starts; just like in music videos!

    Our funding start next month and we need tunes for the promo, if you want your name in the video or the game just send your tunes or questions directly to this address at


    format (.mp3, .aac, .m4a) only!

    Please in the emails, include your name, the title of the song and either a .jpg or .png file with your cover art (if available) and specify if your sending a song or just asking a question.

    Here's a screenshot of the game itself (it's still in development).



    if you made a remix song or a cover of an existing videogame, we can get sued. That's why I'm asking for your creative work only!

    If we select your tracks we will send you an email with details on how we plan to use it.


    When you send your files you agree we might use your songs for promotional and commercial use on multiple platforms! We're also using some sound filters that may add some voluntary room tone, reverberation or other soundfx glitches randomly during the playback to simulate old-school cassettes tape. We are Indie and we're looking for other Indie, so don't ask us for money we can't buy your songs.


    Thanks a million time!!!

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