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Posts posted by ProtoWhistle

  1. Heya. This is ProtoWhistle, a reference to MM's ProtoMan and his whistle/whistle song. So in case I haven't made it clear:

    I am a big MegaMan fan.

    Now that we have that little detail out of the way, a bit about myself. Music isn't necessarily my first passion or my field of study, but I took two years of piano lessons when I was younger and really liked it. Since then, on multiple occasions, I've tried to motivate myself to get back into the game, and I'm here to try and do just that: get back into the music game.

    As for my first passion, that falls under software/programming. Coinciding with that, I am a bit of a hobbyist game designer. I also enjoy the sketching and some pixel art... yeah, kind of a theme going here, isn't it? But again, the art and music stuff came before I started into game design, so it's all just sort of come together. Whether or not I stay a one-man game design army in the future is yet to be seen. Its more hobbyist right now than anything, what with other obligations and what have you.

    But I've learned if you want something enough, you just have to go for it.

    Now onto the music. Most of my OCR library is--guess what?--MegaMan remixes. Some of my favorites are "Flash Fire" by A_Rival and "Pull the Plug" by WillRock. However, part of the reason I wanted to start up here is because I sought out some specific themes for remixes and found NONE. What's up with that 8-O? Well, instead of having a whining parade about it, I figured I might just have to try my hand at filling in some of these gaps.

    Currently, I'm working on a MM3 Spark Man remix (one of those missing themes). It's... definitely a WIP. I'm still trying to get the hang of things. Some others missing themes I'm interested in bringing to the table:

    • MM4's Bright Man
    • MM6's Tomahawk Man (My favorite Robot Master theme)
    • MM9's Jewel Man
    • MM9's Galaxy Man

    I think that just about wraps it up. Hopefully you'll all be seeing me around in the near future!

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