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  1. Hey. I'm an Art teacher in Columbus, Ohio, and I'm doing a Youtube music video project with my elementary and middle school art clubs. We're creating artwork (murals, drawings, sculpture, puppetry) of video game characters, that will be set to movement to follow the beat to a song. I have a couple students that can write rap lyrics, and I'd really like to get an original medley/arrangement put together for them to write to. Similar to Hiimrawn's Star Fox: In the way the puppets sing the song and all the background is pretty authentic to the game... Essentially, I'm looking for a rap beat that blends or transitions from Zelda, Mario, Pokemon, etc (we can talk specific games and specific songs later.) If this interests you, please send me a Private Message. I don't know anything about music myself and it would give my students some larger world connections and be a memorable thing for them for the rest of their lives. As a teacher, I can't really offer any payment, except that it should be a fun project and you'll get to help shape the minds of many young people.
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