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  1. I appreciate the feedback, you guys! I'm not used to actively showing people my music and asking for critiques and such, so this is pretty new to me, so bear with me here. Now that you guys have pointed it out, yeah, the guitar is definitely not balanced properly! I'll go ahead and adjust that. As for the Amen Break usage, what exactly is it that bothers you about it, Byproduct? Is it the drum patterns, the way it's mixed into the track? I might attempt to add more drum samples interspersed throughout simply for variety, but I'm fond of what I did with the break itself. That might just be my jungle/breakcore upbringing talking though, haha. Gario, glad you like the sounds I've got set out here! I'll try to mix up the source elements a bit more to make the composition a bit more exciting. As for the squaresoft samples, I wasn't necessarily planning on submitting it to OCRemix; I've actually been working on a remix of the entirety of the Dancing Mad final boss suite, and was planning on bundling that up and releasing it elsewhere on the internet. Personally, I don't know if I'm quite ready to actually submit something officially! But if I do, I'll make sure my mix is VG sample-free. In any case, I'll see what I can do about tweaking and expanding upon what I've got here. Thanks!
  2. Been meaning to post something here for a really long time, just never really got around to it until now. Anyway! Here's the remix itself! I'm aware the mixdown isn't quite where it needs to be yet, but I'm still happy with how it's turning out otherwise, and would like to see what anybody else thinks about it.
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